Amy in wonderland

Stupid rabbit hole

So many times I’ve ran through these hills I could do it blindfolded. But this time all I wanted to do was run get lost in the woods away from the small town of black wood cove. Coming out of my daze I heard my sister call me. “Amy mom wants you to come inside for dinner” called Frany my ten year old sister. “Alright I’ll be in just a minute let me go check if the gates closed.” So I started the trek to the gate. Hearing a raven squawk over head I looked up and tripped over a root but instead of immediately hitting the ground I kept falling for what it seemed to be forever. On the way down I saw cabinets and shelves but I didn’t dare reach my hand out to get something for fear I might lose my arm. When I reached the end of my fall I landed in a pile of leaves “One must watch their step.” A voice called from nowhere. Scared out of my mind I franticly looked around the place honestly looked like a rainbow threw up on it. “Yes quite atrocious I think so myself.” This time I saw who was speaking a blue and black cat with and oddly wide grin. “You seem quite puzzled how may I be of service?” he asked. “Who are you and where am I.” I asked looking around again. “Why my dear you’re in under land and I am the Cheshire cat, but the question is who are you and where are you going?” he replied turning upside down. I’m Amy and I….I’m lost.”I said. “Well I’ll take you to the hare and the hatter but that’s it.” Cheshire said. Looking at him all that was left was his Broad smile. Following the rustling leaves down a well worn path I got a horrible feeling.
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It took a while but here it is the first chapter I'll try to work on the second but its gonna take a while i have to edit and re write and all that good stuff.