Aqua Hearts


They were all around me. Their faces were covered up with hoods, and to make matters worse, it was beginning to get dark.
I lay on the hard floor as kicks and punches were thrown at me. I scrambled to get up, but they tried to hold me down, just wanting to beat me even more. Then, somehow I managed to escape from their grip, and I began to run as fast as I could go with my weak knees.
"Get him!" I heard one of the gang members shout in an aggressive voice.
I tried to run faster, but my body kept telling me to slow down; how could I when I was in so much danger?
The gang chased me into an industrial site by the river. You see, I live on the west side of Bristol, England, and it's not far from the sea.
However, where I was right now, was quite far from home.
My legs couldn't take it anymore, and without warning, they gave way, making me fall to the ground.
The gang surrounded me again, and all I could do was slowly shuffle away from them. Like that even helped.
Suddenly, I felt myself being thrown back, as one of them kicked me harshly in the chest; the back of my head bashed against the concrete, making my vision blurry. Next thing I new, I was falling, and fast. I then landed in the icy-cold river with a crash. My whole body was numbing up, and I did not have the strength to swim to the surface. I began to drift in and out of consciousness, as the murky water filled my lungs.
I felt that there was no way out of this. I was going to die.
Then very unexpectedly, I felt as though my weak body was being lifted. It felt strange, because something was telling me that another person was holding me. I'm sure I never saw anyone but the gang members before I fell.
Next, I felt myself lying on something solid, but I was distracted from the thoughts of the floor when I heard a deep, sexy voice. It was another person.
"Come on kid, breathe" they said, as they pushed down hard on my chest.
I felt something cold and wet escape from my mouth as they did this. I was finding it difficult to breathe, there was still loads of water in my lungs.
The person then held me in a different position, and began to pat my back as I bought up more water. The feeling was frustrating, as my eyes were closed and I felt very disorientated.
I coughed and spluttered as the last of the water came out of my lungs.
"Hey kid, can you hear me?" The person asked.
"Mmmmhhhh..." I whimpered, and began to shiver at the realisation of how cold I was.
I lifted my heavy eyelids, but my vision was still blurry, and I couldn't work out what the person looked like.
"T-take m-me h-home!" I croaked, hoping that the person understood me.
"Don't worry darling, I've got you" the person said. "What is your name?"
"Sk-Skyler" I managed to get out, as I shivered some more, and felt something being wrapped around my body.
"Don't worry Skyler, my family will be here soon. Just sleep for now."
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First chapter, what do ya think?