‹ Prequel: We Are So Screwed
Sequel: Nope

We're Slightly Less Screwed

Damn Dogs Damn Teenagers

Third Person Point of View

“What the fuck does it mean?” Lennox asked.

“I don’t know but this is some bullshit,” Epps said, staring at the imagery on the wall. “Damn dogs biting my ass for what? A con insignia and a triangle.”

“Lennox, I believe you are going to want to see this,” Arcee said, attracting the attention of the man. He walked over to where the Arcee triplets. Were standing around a screen.


“It seems our missing All Spark and the Vette left you the message, but they didn’t do the killing. That was a con.”

“And they didn’t take out the camera. Such sloppy work,” Chromia said.

“Ignore her. She is Ironhide’s bonded,” Flare-Up said.

“What the hell are they doing?” Lennox groaned.

“I don’t know man.”

Lennox sighed. “She knows everything. She’s trying to set something up. Someone figure out what that means, and we need to search her house.”

Lennox looked at the footage again. “Damn teenagers.”