An Impossible Love

Day 1

*Skylar's P.O.V. -We first met at Starbuck's.

The only thing I had hoped for that day was a simple coffee. I was tired, and I had school in 30 minutes, so I had to hurry.
It was hard to rush; there was at least five other people in front of me. And I guess one of the coffee makers had malfunctioned, leaving only two up and running.
I had already been waiting for at least 10 minutes in line, and only had 10 more minutes until I would just give up on my dream of coffee and leave for school.
A guy who had gotten two coffees stood up and walked towards me.
He had dirty blonde hair, hazel brown eyes with flecks of green, and his body was buff. His shirt fit his chest perfectly.
"Hey. You want this? You look kind of like you're being rushed." The guy said, holding out a black coffee towards me.
"Oh sure, thanks." I mumbled and took the coffee.
The guy chuckled. "What's your name?"
"I'm Skylar. Who are you?" I said lamely.
" I am Kyle, king of Shabalaba Ding Dong. And my apartment." At least he had a sense of humor.
"I'm a super-hero ninja." I shot back.
"Well Skylar super-hero ninja," Kyle said, "How old are you?"
"I'm eighteen."
I grimaced. My mom probably would not want me befriending an eighteen year-old.
"Well, I kind of got to go. I can't be late for school." I muttered.
"Can I have your number?"
I agreed and me and Kyle traded numbers.
"Bye Skylar." Kyle actually sounded a little disappointed.
"Goodbye Kyle." I said back and walked out the door, towards school.


"I don't know, Meg. He seemed... I don't know... different somehow." I told my best friend, Meg, about what happened this morning with Kyle.
"Well he sounds really nice. You should text him." Meg said.
"Yeah I know. But he's eighteen! I don't want to risk being friends, then having my mom tell me I can't be friends with him."
"Keep it a secret until you're absolutely sure you guys are friends." she suggested.
"I couldn't lie to my mom. Me and her are really close."
"Yeah, I know, but-" Meg was interuppted by the bell. "Sorry Sky, but I've gotta go. See you at lunch." Meg gave me a quick half-hearted hug then rushed off to class.


*Kyle's P.O.V.- She was beautiful.

This was crazy awesome. I met a super funny, nice, amazing, beautiful girl. She may only be sixteen-just two years younger than me- but someday, I want her as mine.
When I gave Skylar the second coffee I had, I had forgotten that I was supposed to save that one for my roommate.
I thought it would take seconds to get over Skylar once she left, but I was wrong. I just wanted to hold her hand, kiss her forever, hug her and never let go, cuddle and fall asleep, twirl her hair, let her lay her head on my lap.
And I realized that I'm lovestruck.
So I shot her a text-
So when do I get to see you again?-Kyle
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