Insanity Speaks For the Broken Soul

Prom: A Night To Remember

This year’s prom theme was A Night in Paris. I thought it was the perfect theme. It was romantic and at the same time, exciting. I mean, who wouldn’t be excited to be in Paris? We got out of the limo and entered a beautiful ballroom. Before we could see the actual prom, we had our pictures taken. Tons and tons of pictures again. First it was what I call the “double couple” pictures. Ivy and David with Brad and I took tons of group pictures formally and being silly. Then it would just be Brad and I or Ivy and David. Then lastly of course, Ivy and I. It was going to be an unforgettable night and I wanted to have some pictures with my best friend. When we finished taking the pictures, we entered the doors. Our prom was beautiful. We had a glass ceiling which had a perfect view of the stars. The tables were set with simple white clothes but exquisite flower bouquets sat in the middle of the desk. The Eiffel Tower was right under the stars and the streets of Paris were painted on the walls. It was crazy how beautiful Prom was. We decided put our stuff at the table and hit the dance floor. It was a blast. Music was pumping and I could feel the adrenaline flow through my veins. I was enjoying my time with Brad and Ivy. An hour flew by quickly and we were asked to take a seat and enjoy dinner. We socialized for a little bit and rested before we really started to party.

Ivy patted me on the shoulder.

“How’s prom for you so far?”

I smiled. “Three words. Best. Night. EVER!”

All of us laughed. It was true. Prom really was the best night ever. It wasn’t because I got to put on a fancy dress or go to a formal event, it was because I got to spend time with the people I loved the most and that’s what really made prom count. I looked at Brad and realized how perfect life was and how lucky I am. Suddenly, the lights got dim and the classical music came up. Knowing I love my classics, Brad got up and offered his hand.

“May I have this dance, mylady?”

I accepted and we danced. Ivy and David joined us and so did many people after. And that’s when I knew what my mom was talking about. That perfect moment. That sudden spark, the magic. I finally understood. This was the moment. Being here with Brad, knowing I got into Berkeley. Ivy wasn’t going to Berkeley but she was going to San Francisco which was pretty close by. Everything was falling into place. I had my happy ending, and Ivy had hers. For two girls who had to live in an asylum, they weren’t so crazy anymore.

I turned around to see a girl being proposed to by her boyfriend. Of course, she said yes. Everyone clapped, it was beautiful. One day, I want that to happen to me too. It could happen now, but Brad knew. He knew more than anything how important school was to me and as much as I loved him, I had to finish school before I can even begin to think about starting a family.

Now came the moment. Prom Court. All the nominees were to get on the stage as everyone huddled around to hear the final results. David, Brad, and I were all routing for Ivy! They introduced our Prom Court. Everyone looked great and everyone was great, but there could only be one king and one queen. Our principal came up to the stage and made a small speech.

“Good evening, seniors! Today is a very special day for all of you and I hope you are all enjoying it! It is sad to say that you all will be leaving very soon. I have grown very close to all of you and I will truly miss you. But, I am very happy to know that you all will make the right choices and achieve a lot in the future. I know I will see you at graduation, but in case I don’t, this is goodbye and good luck to you all. Enjoy your life and make the right decisions. Now, shall we get to our Prom Queen and King?”

The crowd clapped and roared in excitement. Someone brought up the results in an envelope followed by a girl who was holding the crowns. “Seniors, your prom king this year is…..drum roll please!”

“…..Michael Stephenson!”

Everyone went crazy! Michael was a really popular guy. He was nice, charming, and practically new everyone. It’s kind of awkward considering I used to date him, but Brad doesn’t mind, as long as Michael doesn’t try anything. We both decided to cheer for Michael since after all, he still was a friend.
“And your Prom Queen for 2016 is………”
Everyone tapped their thighs or the floor. The suspense was building and building until finally.

“….Ivy Cruz!”

David, Brad, and I went crazy! We were screaming our heads off! Ivy had won prom queen! What a great night for her.

“Congratulations, you two! Would you two like to say anything to your fellow classmates?”

Ivy spoke first,” I just wanted to thank everyone who voted for me and who has been there for me. I especially want to thank all my teachers who have helped me accomplish so much. My friends, who have been there for me through all the rough times. My boyfriend, who has loved me for me. And most importantly, my sister, Tracy. Tracy has been there for me since day one and I’ll never forget the memories we’ve shared together. Thank you so much Tracy, I wish you and Brad the best and I know that you’ll always be a big part of my life.”

Everyone clapped and I started to cry. I can’t believe it’s been eight years. Eight whole years since I’ve met her. It feels like a dream. Michael had his own speech as well.

“I want to thank everyone who voted for me and who has been my friend for the past few years. Thanks guys. Now….WHO’S READYY TO PARTYYY?!”

Everyone went wild. They danced like there was no tomorrow. Before I could start enjoying the rest of my Senior Prom, I ran to congratulate Ivy. We embraced each other and laughed like the old days.

“I love you Ivy.”

“Love you too…sister.”

We hugged once more until David stole her away. A slow song finally came on and Brad asked me to dance. I accepted his offer and met him on the dance floor. As we were dancing, he looked at me and said,” You might not be Prom Queen, but you’re definitely my queen.” I couldn’t help but laugh at the cheesiness but “A” for effort right? We slowly danced the night away and partied until midnight. Prom was like Cinderella, minus the magic. Instead, my moment with the prince actually lasted and didn’t change anything. It was all reality. The night was over and we got into our limo and rode home. Our parents were at the door, waiting for us to get home. They took more pictures, like typical parents would. It was finally time to rest. Ivy and I washed off our make-up, cleaned up and went to bed. Prom was unforgettable and would be something I will always cherish.