Black Inked Words


They had black ink smeared over them in a neat, straight way, forming words and phrases that had no meaning, always signed at the bottom with a drawn heart that was out of proportions. A heart that, as the years went by, seemed to be drawn out of habit, eventually disappearing completely.

I had never realized how these simple sticky notes that I thought at first to be absolutely wonderful would end up representing the thing I hate the most in my life.

I turned the alarm clock off a few seconds after it began ringing loudly and rubbed my aching, red eyes. If I wasn’t mistaken, I hadn’t gotten more than two hours of sleep.

As I sat on my bed, blinking in order to make the pain in my eyes go away – which, as predicted, failed – I realized what day it was.

January 4th, my birthday. My 18th birthday, to be precise.

‘They wouldn’t miss it, would they?’ I thought to myself and with a sudden burst of energy, I quickly made my way outside of my room as my heart began beating inside my chest amazingly fast ‘After all these years and missed birthday, Mother and Father must feel at least a little bit guilty.’

I ran into the kitchen and stopped immediatly as no one was present. Only they were present. Scattered all around the room, covering one of the walls completely.

My heart sank when I noticed a sticky note that was outstanding for its different colour. It was red and I definitely knew what it meant.

When I got closer to read the words upon it, still having a glimpse of hope in me that it wouldn’t be what I knew it was, I finally realized that nothing had changed.

‘Dear Eddward,’ it began as always ‘We are sorry to inform you we cannot be present at your birthday. Leave us a note to inform us what you’d like to have.’

“Love, Mother and Father” I recited without even reading those four words. I let the sticky note fall from my hand to the white ceramic floor.

I chuckled at my own foolishness. How could the thought of having them home have crossed my mind? So naive.

Seizing the pen on the counter I took a single red sticky note and wrote down my answer.

‘I want you home just for once. Please.’
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I couldn't sleep and was very inspired by many drawings and a Flash animation on DeviantArt. I am lately so obsessed with EEnE. Not to mention there's a fan making some kind of series about them in high school which is just GAAAAAH. <3