I've Got the Whole World in Front of Me


“Catt! Tori and Justin are here!” Kellin whined as he opened the door.

“No shit? It’s Friday morning, Kellin. I said I would take Tucker’s pictures this morning.” I laughed pushing him out of the way. He pouted, while I opened the door to let Tori and Justin in. The moment Tori sat the cars eat down, Tucker was crying.

“I know, I know. You don’t like the car seat buddy.” She said as she carefully unbuckled him and then moved so Justin could get him out. Kellin smiled and walked over to see the baby. I grabbed my camera bag and smiled at them.

“He has so much hair” Kellin commented, making Justin laugh.

“I don’t know where he got it. Me and Justin were both bald babies.” Tori said. I chuckled, as Tori grabbed the diaper bag and we walked to the studio in the back of the house.

“Okay so, what are we going to do now?” I said. “Did you decide on what shots you wanted or am I just allowed to do whatever?”

“Just do your thing.” Justin said, bouncing the baby slightly. After a while and several great pictures later, Tucker started getting fussy and it was time for lunch, Kellin and Justin went to get pizza for us while Tori feed Tucker.

“So have you told him yet?” she asked. I bit my lip, shaking my head.

“Why not?” she whispered.

“I’m scared.” I said. “I mean we’ve talked about having kids. But he said he was okay with just being godfather and Uncle Kellin to Tucker for a while. I don’t know how he’d react to me being pregnant with one, let alone twins.”

“Well, he’s going to have to get over it if he doesn’t like it, because ready or not, you’ll have two babies in September.” She said.

“Hey, that’s what I said to you when you were afraid to tell Justin!” I said. “No fair!”

“Completely fair. You made me tell Justin, I’ll make you tell Kellin” she said.

“Fine. Tonight” I said. “When we go out to dinner with our families, I’ll take the ultrasounds and tell him.”

“Good!” she said, laying Tucker in his playard by the window that me and Kellin had purchased for when he came to stay with Aunt Catt and Uncle Kellin.

“Pizza!” Justin said, making me turn around. He was leaning against the wall, meaning he’d been standing there for a while.

“How long have you been there?” I said.

“About ten minutes. Let’s eat!” he said before him and Tori went into the kitchen. Kellin stepped into the room and wrapped his arms around my waist before kissing me.

“Hey Catt?” he said.

“Yeah?” I said.

“I’ve known” He said. “About the pregnancy, I mean. You’re horrible at hiding things. You left the sonograms on the table. I just didn’t say anything; I figured you’d tell me when you were ready.”

“I’m so sorry, Kellin” I said. “I didn’t mean for it to happen. I mean, we’ve taken every precaution out there.”

“Hey calm down babe” he said. “I don’t hate you. Everything happens for a reason. I couldn’t be any happier than to be having these kids with you right now.”

“Are you sure?” I said.

“Yes. I love you so much. You’re going to be a great mother. I’ve seen you with Tucker.” He said. “I promise, we’re going to be okay.” I smiled and kissed him before we walked back to Tori and Justin and ate.

Soon, they left and we had to get ready to meet our families for dinner. I thanked God that we were only eating at Olive Garden. We were the last ones there of course, it didn’t matter. We ordered and talked and ate.

“Hungry Catt?” my mom asked, looking at my plate. Kellin smirked running his hand up and down my back.

“Um, you could say that.” I said.

“Catt you said you weren’t going to hide it from anyone. Now stand up and show them.” He said. I sighed, standing up and moving the fabric of my shirt to show my already showing bump.

“11 weeks.” I said. “Twins” and sat back down. My mom’s face got red and she pointed at Kellin

“You.” She said, raising her voice. “You did this to my daughter. You ruined her life. She’s never going to have a future because your dumb ass wasn’t smart enough to use a condom!” by now she was screaming. I frowned and stood up.

“Mom. That isn’t true and you know. I’m successful. This isn’t Kellin’s fault! I mean, he can’t get me pregnant with me letting him do it, can he!” I said. She glared at Kellin before turning to me.

“Like taking pictures is going to get you anywhere.” She said.

“Really, because that’s really fucking funny. What was your daughter’s first job?” Kellin said. “I was bored one day and went to her high school art show. Her first fucking job was selling merch and taking pictures of my band. We’ve made more money from the poster of pictures she’s taken, than the ones of professionals. Today she took amazing pictures of our godson. Don’t even fucking start with “taking pictures isn’t going to get anywhere” because it has.”

“This has nothing to do with you, punk. You’re turning my daughter against me.” She said.


“I’m just saying, he’s probably going to be a horrible father.” My mom said. “He’s gone all the time, Catherine. You’re going to be raising this baby alone.”

“Mom, stop” I said. “Come on Kellin, let’s go.”

Me and Kellin walked out to the car, him holding my hand and I was holding tears in. Once he had started the car, he looked at me.

“Hey” he said. “Catt, look at me.” I turned my head to face him.

“We’re going to be okay. It’s going to be okay. You’ll mom will get over it. Until then, my parents will be more than happy to see the babies grow up.” He said. “I love you”. I smiled and the tears started coming. Kellin didn’t say anything at first, but just let me cry.

“She’s never liked you” I sobbed. “Why can’t she accept it’s my life and I can love who I want”

“I don’t know baby.” He said. “Calm down, you’re going to hyperventilate.” I chuckled wiping my eyes.

“I’m scared Kellin. What if we’re not ready” I said.

“Trust me Catt, we’ll be ready. We’ve been ready” he said and kissed me before starting the car and heading home.
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so this is my new kellin quinn story
it's written for my lovely friend catt
who is including me in hers.
so comments make this writer happy.

^ listen to this wise man.