Status: being written

Struggles Make You Stronger

She falls in love with the idea of falling in love

"Hey, Scarlett." Nick said, "How are you doing?"
"I'm alright." Scarlett answered. "How are you?"
"I'm... fine."
"What happened?"
"Casey broke up with me..."
"Oh, Nick. I'm so sorry!"
"Yeah, she did it over text too."
"I'm so sorry! That's the worst! Just forget about her."
"Yeah, I'm just kind of shocked and upset and mad all at once."
"I know how it feels but I don't think she was worth your time. She seems to be one of those people who only likes the idea of being liked but doesn't actually like the guy back. You know what I'm saying?"
"Yeah, I get what you mean. Sort of like people who fall in love with the idea of falling in love."
"Exactly. But, I'm here to talk to you if you ever need it."
"Thanks Scarlett. That means a lot."
Scarlett smiled at him and went on her way. As Nick watched her walk away, he noticed her limping. The scars, the bruises and now the limping. They were all hints to Nick that something was wrong with Scarlett. When he talked to Scarlett about it, she only denied everything. When he asked Ava about it, she said she had no idea what he was talking about but promised that they would get to the bottom of it together.


All of Scarlett's other problems seemed to be getting gradually better. Zack hadn't talked to her in weeks, Nick wasn't with Casey anymore and Ava seemed to be doing well too. She had mentioned that she and Nick had been talking a lot. The only problem that wasn't improving was her self-harm problem. She did it again that night. She got up off her bed and Scarlett began to feel dizzy again. She tried to keep herself up and snap out of it but the room went dark. She fell to the floor but this time, Scarlett didn't wake up.
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thoughts? (: