Status: being written

Struggles Make You Stronger


When Scarlett did wake up, she found herself in an ambulance with strange people surrounding her. She was laying down with an oxygen mask on. She was frightened and curious but the EMT told her to just close her eyes and relax. Everything would be ok. When they arrived at the hospital, Scarlett was taken out on a stretcher and rushed into the emergency room. The last thing she saw were the bright white light and the doctor's face telling her that everything would be just fine. And then she blacked out.


When Scarlett woke up again, she found herself in a big room with a large window at the right, letting lots of sunlight in. She looked around the room and saw her mother sitting in a chair by her bed. When her mother looked up and saw Scarlett was awake, she smiled and took Scarlett's hand. "I'm so glad you're awake. The doctor should be in soon." Her mother said. Scarlett nodded and looked up at the T.V. hanging on the wall. A few minutes later, there was a slight knock on the door and Scarlett turned her head to see a tall, rather large, man in a long white coat step through the door.
"How are you feeling?" He asked. Before Scarlett answered him, she read his name tag that said 'Dr. Andrew Smith'.
Then Scarlett said "I'm doing alright. I'm still in some pain."
"Alright, well let me just take a quick look at the problematic areas." He checked out her ankles and gave her head a quick look and said, "I think we're going to get some x-rays done of that ankle on the right and I want you to go get a CT scan of your head, just in case. I know you've been having a lot of blackouts and dizzy spells. The nurse will be right in." He turned and went out the door. No more than two minutes later, a short, skinny woman with dark hair came bustling through the door.
"I'm going to wheel you down to the x-ray room." She said to Scarlett. Then added, "Mom can come too, alright?"
Scarlett nodded. The nurse took Scarlett down the bleach white hallways. All the faces of the people going by blended together. As they were going by, one woman took one look at Scarlett and said, "Wow, isn't she beautiful."
Scarlett couldn't help but smile while her mother thanked the woman as if she had complimented her. After the x-ray and CT scan were done, Scarlett was brought back to her room. About twenty minutes later, the same doctor from before came back in. "Alright, Scarlett, I looked over all your test results and I have some not-so-great news." Scarlett's mother took her daughter's hand and squeezed it tight. "The x-ray showed that your ankle is in pretty bad shape and we're going to need to perform a minor surgery to fix it. The CT scan showed some problems in your brain as well. I'm sorry, Scarlett, but you have a tumor in your brain."
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i'm extremely sorry its taken so long to get this up as well as my other stories if youre reading those too. i'll try my best to update more soooon!