Status: being written

Struggles Make You Stronger

Is that all you care about?

Scarlett's eyes went as wide as an owl's. Her heart began to pound even harder and her mother started to cry.
"It's alright." The doctor tried to assure them. "It's just benign which means it's not cancerous but it was causing you to faint and it will get larger if not treated so it's best if we just remove it. Your ankle surgery will be on Thursday and your brain surgery will be next week on Tuesday." The doctor left the room to let Scarlett and her mother be alone.
"Do you know how much money this is going to cost me Scarlett?!" Her mother cried. Scarlett was in shock.
"Is that really all you care about, Mom? How much money it's going to cost you? Do you even care about my safety at all? I can't believe you."
"Oh, Scarlett, honey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"
"Just stop, mom. It's too late. It's already been said."
They heard a knock on the door and saw Nick and Ava standing in the doorway, hoping to visit with Scarlett.
"Alright, well, I have to go run a few errands. I'll be back in a few hours." Her mother got up, briefly said hi to Ava and Nick, then made her way out.
"You can come in,guys, It's alright." Scarlett motioned for her friends to come into the room.
"So... How are you doing?" Nick asked.
"Yeah, what's the damage?" Ava added.
Scarlett smiled. "Well, I have to get ankle surgery on Thursday."
"That sucks." Nick said.
"Yeah but that's not even the worst part about it. Guys, I- I... have a tumor in my brain."
Nick's jaw dropped wide open and Ava started crying.
"No, it's ok! It's not cancerous! They're going to have me go in and have it surgically removed next week. Everything will be ok."
"Are you scared?" Nick asked.
"Honestly? Yes. Terrified."
"I'm sure it'll all be alright. And Ava and I will be here for you every step of the way."
Ava nodded her head vigorously in agreement.
"Oh, What time is it?"
"Shit, I'm late for my music lesson. I'll catch you later, Scarlett! Bye, Ava!" Nick jogged out of the room and as soon as he was gone, Ava turned toward Scarlett and said, "Scarlett, I like him..."
"Yes, I know." Scarlett laughed, "And I'm helping you, aren't I?"
"Well, yeah... But-"
"But nothing! It'll be fine."
"Yeah, but will you be?"
Ava had a good point there. Once Scarlett is released from the hospital, she'll be on her own. "I'm sure I will be."
"Do you think Zack will come visit?"
"Oh, god I don't even want to think about him." Just then, they heard another knock on the door. Scarlett looked over and saw Zack standing in the doorway. "Well, speak of the devil."
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this one is pretty long i think so there ya go! hope all like 3 of you actually reading this like it haha let me know, maybe? (: