Status: being written

Struggles Make You Stronger

I should be used to rejection

She knew she had to tell Nick the truth at some point but she was so afraid of hurting him. She really did care about Nick but not the way he cared for her. "How's that thinking coming along?" Nick asked.
"Well, I think I need to tell you something."
"Well, what is it?" Nick didn't really want to hear what she was about to say because he already knew what was coming.
"I don't think I can do this, Nick. I really think we should just stay friends. I'm really sorry!"
"No, it's alright. I'm used to hearing that. But I- uh... I have to go. I'll see you later Scarlett."
"Nick I'm so-"
He was already gone. Scarlett and Nick didn't talk for a few days. One day, Nick had texted her:

Nick: I'm sorry about the other day. I should be used to the rejection by now.

Scarlett: No, Nick I'm sorry. I still have feelings for Zack, that's all.

Nick: After the way he treated you?!

Scarlett: I know, I know... But you just wouldn't understand. I don't even understand myself. I'm just not ready to move in yet.

Nick: I understand not wanting to move on but you have to put him behind you. I'm... sorry. I-I don't know.

Scarlett: What's wrong?

Nick: I'm just so tired of being single. I just want a girlfriend so bad.

Scarlett felt guilty. If she had just said yes, none of this would be happening. She couldn't have said yes though. Something in her mind just told her she couldn't. But now she felt bad. She tried to put that aside and be the best friend she could be to him. As Scarlett talked to Nick more, she discovered that he talked about wanting a girlfriend a lot. She did ber best to give him advice and lead him in the right direction. Everything was going well for Scarlett until her friend Ava told her something she couldn't believe.
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So im wicked sorry i havent updated in so long! Ive been pretty busy lately. Anyway happy birthday to my friend Caleb who you already know this story is dedicated to! Have a great birthday!