Status: being written

Struggles Make You Stronger

Go for it

"Scarlett, I've been waiting to tell you something for a really long time." Ava said.
"What is it?" Scarlett inquired.
"Well... I really like Nick."
"You do?!"
"That's great! Really! You should go for it!"
"You really think so?"
"Yes! He tells me all the time about how badly he wants a girlfriend. This is perfect!"
"I... I don't know... I mean, we do have a lot in common. He likes Streetlight Manifesto and we both love the rain. He's like so nice!"
"Ava, I really think you should go for him! I know you don't want to get hurt again but don't worry. Nick is a great guy! I'm sure he would like you back!"
"Yeah but one problem..."
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm friendzoned..."


Scarlett sat in her room when she got a text from Nick:

Nick: Hey Scarlett! What's up?

Scarlett: Hi Nick! Oh not much, just kinda hanging out at home.

Nick: Yeah, me too. So I was wondering something... Maybe we could hang out tomorrow?

Scarlett didn't know what to say. She knew she was completely free tomorrow but she felt that hanging out with Nick would hurt Ava's feelings.

Scarlett: You know, I'd love to but unfortunately I'm totally busy tomorrow but you know who you should hang out with?

Nick: Oh, that's alright. Maybe another time. But no... who?

Scarlett: Ava.

Nick didn't respond after that. Scarlett instead got a call from her ex, Zack.
"H-Hello?" Scarlett tried to say.
"Scarlett..." Zack began to say, "I want you back."
♠ ♠ ♠
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