Status: being written

Struggles Make You Stronger

Take me back

"No. This can't be happening..." Scarlett thought to herself.
"Scarlett? Are you still there?" Zack said into the phone.
"Uh, yeah sorry..."
"So? I'm really sorry about everything before."
"Oh? I don't know how much I actually believe that."
"Why are you being so cynical?"
"Cynical?! I can't believe you. I'm not being cynical, I'm defending myself. I'm, not going to let you get me back that easily again. You hurt me really badly."
"I know and I'm sorry. How many more times do I need to say it?"
"I don't know. Maybe until I believe it. You know, I think I just need to be away from you."
"But I don't want that. I want you."
"I'm going to need to think about this. Bye, Zack." Scarlett hung up on him and threw her phone across the room out of anger and frustration. She curled up under the covers and cried.


Nick thought over what Scarlett had said about Ava. He decided to give it a shot:

Nick: Hey Ava! I was wondering if you would want to hang out tomorrow?

Ava: Tomorrow? Yeah, sure Nick! That sounds like a lot of fun!

Nick: Awesome! Do you want to go to a movie or something?

Ava: Sure! Sounds like a plan. I'll see you tomorrow!

Ava couldn't believe what had just happened. She had to tell Scarlett immediately. "Scarlett! Guess what just happened!"
Scarlett tried to hold back her tears and cover the fact that she was crying so she could be happy for Ava. "What? What happened?"
"Scarlett. What's wrong?"
"It's not important right now. Don't worry about it. This is about you."
"Well, alright. Nick asked me to hang out with him tomorrow!"
"Ava! That's awesome! Come over tomorrow and I'll help you get ready, ok?"
"Alright! Now, what's wrong?"
"It's nothing, Ava. Really."
"No. It's clearly something."
"...Zack wants me back."
♠ ♠ ♠
stupid mibba crashed and this chapter and the next chapter were deleted... :/ I'll try and re post the next one soon and I have a new chapter that I'll try and get up soon too.