Status: being written

Struggles Make You Stronger

Hanging out

"Ava, you look amazing!" Scarlett said to her.
"Really? You think Nick will like it?"
"Of course he will!" They heard a knock on the door. "That's him!" Scarlett said as she ran to the door. The door opened and the first thing Nick saw was Ava standing there.
"Wow, Ava, you look great!"
"Thanks. Ready to go?"
"Of course."
"You two have fun!" Scarlett said as she basically pushed them out the door. Nick took Ava to see a movie. They got into the theater and sat in the back. When the lights dimmed, Nick put his arm around Ava. They sat like that throughout the whole movie but nothing else really happened which upset Ava.
"Did you like the movie?" Nick asked.
"Yeah, it was good." Ava tried not to sound disappointed.
"Is something wrong?"
"No... Not at all." Ava faked a smile. She called Scarlett when she got home.
"So? How'd it go?" Scarlett inquired.
"It was... alright." Ava said.
"What do you mean? It obviously doesn't sound like it was alright."
"Well, I guess I just still feel friendzoned."
"I'll talk to him. Don't worry."
Scarlett was feeling overwhelmed. Not only was she trying to help Ava but she had Zack on her case and not to mention all the pressures from school and other drama. She decided to start with Nick. "Hey, Nick! So how did things with Ava go?"
"Pretty good. She's really nice and we have a lot in common."
"Well, that's good!"
"Well... Why did you set us up together like that?"
"Well... Alright, you can't say anything. Ava really likes you and I know you want a girlfriend so I thought I could try and set you up with her."
"Oh. That's really nice of you Scarlett but... I..."
"You don't like her... Do you..."
"No, I do but... I still like you... a lot."
Scarlett almost dropped the phone. "Well this is just fucking great..." She thought to herself.
♠ ♠ ♠
again stupid mibba crashed and this chapter was deleted. the next one is new.