Status: being written

Struggles Make You Stronger

I am a horrible person

Scarlett couldn't take it anymore. She was done with all the drama and problems. "Nick, you know I don't feel the same way... Right?"
"I know... I'm sorry. I just fuck everything up... Don't I..."
"No, it's not you. You can't control who you have feelings for."
"I guess you're right... Well, I have to go now..."
After hanging up the phone, Scarlett didn't know what to do next. Her mind felt like a jumbled mess. She didn't know why, but she felt like she needed to do some horrible things. She started to inflict self injury. She couldn't describe the feeling. She began to punch herself and walk on her feet and ankles incorrectly so they would be in pain. She ran pins down her forearms and wrists as tears began to fall and mix with the blood traveling down her arms. She didn't understand why she felt like this. Why did it feel so good? She knew what she was doing was wrong but it didn't feel wrong. She let the cuts clot and lay down on the bed. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep as tears ran down the side of her face.
When Scarlett woke up in the morning, she looked at herself and felt disgusted. She had scars all over her arms and bruises all over her body. When she stood up, she could barely walk because her ankle was in too much pain. What had she done to herself? "I am such a horrible person." She said as she looked in the mirror at herself. Her hair was in knots, mascara was smeared all over her cheeks and her eyes were red and puffy. All she wanted to do was get back into bed and go back to sleep. She couldn't possibly face the day like this. She opened the bottom drawer of her dresser and pulled out her ankle brace. She slid it on and walked over to her door. She slowly opened it and slipped into the bathroom before anyone could notice her. She rinsed off her face and ran a brush through her hair. She put a smile on her face and acted like nothing had happened.