Status: being written

Struggles Make You Stronger

Not her

When Nick saw Scarlett that day, he knew something was wrong. She didn't look the same. "Hey, Scarlett. Are you alright?" Nick noticed the scars and bruises. "What are those? What happened to you? Are you ok?"
Scarlett tugged on her sleeves and pulled them all the way down, concealing the cuts and bruises. "I'm fine." She replied, even though she knew she wasn't. Her entire body was screaming at her in pain, but she felt she deserved it. Trying to push it aside, Nick continued to tell Scarlett his good news.
"Ok, well, I have good news!"
Scarlett smiled. At least Nick was happy. "What is it?"
"I have a new girlfriend!"
"Nick! That's great! Who is it?"
"Casey Sullivan."
Scarlett's facial expression dropped. "Not her..." She thought. She knew Casey and didn't like her too much. Casey was known for short relationships. Her relationship with Zack lasted three days. Scarlett tried to be happy for Nick because she knew how important this was for him. Now she began to think about Ava. She couldn't imagine what Ava must be feeling because Casey and Ava were really good friends. "Well, I'm really happy for you, Nick!" Scarlett said, "But I have to get going. I'll see you later." Scarlett made her way home. She made it into her house and her head began to spin. She ran to the bathroom and began to feel dizzy. Her vision became blurred and unfocused. Then, the room went black. Scarlett fell to the floor, unconscious.