Status: being written

Struggles Make You Stronger

I'm fine, you're fine, we're all just fine

When Scarlett woke up, she found herself on the bathroom floor. "Scarlett, honey? Are you ok?" Her mother stood over her and held out a hand to help Scarlett off the floor.
"What happened?" Scarlett had no idea what had just happened and she was scared.
"You fainted. You didn't hit your head on anything, did you?"
"I don't think so..."
"Scarlett... What are those?" Her mother pointed to the bruises and cuts all over Scarlett's body.
"They're nothing. I'm fine."
"No, sweetie, those were clearly something. What happened? Did someone hurt you at school?"
"No, mom. They're probably just from dance. Lindsey has been giving us a lot of difficult moves lately."
"Are you sure? Those look pretty serious. Maybe I should talk to Lindsey..."
"No, mom!" Scarlett shouted, "I'm fine! I'm fine, you're fine, we're all just fine! Ok?"
"Ok..." Scarlett's mom was very worried about her daughter. She watched helplessly as Scarlett stormed off to her room and slammed the door. Scarlett didn't want to talk about it or even think about what she had done to herself. She was ashamed but that night, she did it again. The next night and the night after that were no different. She couldn't stop herself. She was turning into a monster.