Status: Finished

Gotta Be You

Up All Night


“Here we are girls!” Lilly’s older sister, Mary announces.

Lilly squeals, “It’s so cute! Hope look!” She says nudging me.

I groan and refuse to open my eyes. She pokes my stomach making me jump and giggle. I open my eyes and sit up. “Wow.” I say looking at the small country house for the first time.

“I know,” Lilly agrees, “Who knew that in middle of no where there would be this adorable little house?”

“Two.” I agree pointing to the other country house right next to it.

“Oh yeah,” Lilly says looking at it, “Mary, who’s staying there?”

Mary shrugs, “I don’t know, I suppose another family vacationing in the beautiful countryside of England.”

I grimace, “Beautiful? Seems kinda dull to me.”

Lilly agrees, “Yeah, I don’t know what you see Mary.”

I know it’s England, but we are three hours away from the nearest city and I can’t help but to feel disappointed, this is my senior trip and I’m going to spend it in the middle of nowhere.

“Maybe some cute guys will be staying in the other house.” Lilly says excitingly trying to cheer me up.

“Yeah,” I joke, “Like your dreamy One Direction.”

“Mine?” She asks, “You said you liked them too.”

“Sure, but not like you do.”

She makes a silly face, distracting me and pokes me in the stomach again. “Man,” I mutter, “I hate being ticklish.”

We grab out suitcases and head up the driveway into the small house. “It is cute.” I confess.

“Dibs on first shower!” I call out as I run upstairs and dash into the first room I see to set my bag down. I hear Lilly and Mary complain but I already lock myself in the bathroom with shampoo and conditioner. I take a quick ten minute shower and get out.

“See? Not that hard to wait.” I tell Lilly as I walk past her wrapped in a towel.

She sticks her tongue out at me and walks past me into the bathroom. I chuckle and walk back into my room. I change into some clean sweatpants and a plain white tee-shirt.

“I’m going to go and buy groceries in the city okay?” Mary asks.

I smirk and answer, “Which translates to; I’ll see you tomorrow because I’m going to sleepover at my fantastic British boyfriend’s house.”

She stared me down but didn’t object. I shrugged and began touring the house. The kitchen was small but pretty and the living room was very bright. I walked to the front door of the house when something black and shiny caught my eye. I turned left and walked into a room with a gorgeous black grand piano. My jaw dropped and I immediately sat down and began to play.

“You’re still really good,” Mary interrupts, “How come you quit?”

I shrug, “High school”

She nods, “Okay, well I’m going to leave so I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t talk to strangers.”

“Thanks MOM.” I joke, “Have fun with your lovely boyfriend Derek.”

She narrows her eyes and then smiles, “I will, tell Lilly I love her.”

“And what about me?” I ask walking up to her and giving her a hug.

She laughs, “Love you.”

“Thanks, for everything, I can’t believe I’m really in England!” I confess.

“Don’t thank me, thank Derek, it’s his family’s country home.”

“Will you thank him for me?” I ask.

“If you let me leave!” She answers pulling out of my arms.

“Bye!” I yell after her.

“See you Hope.”

I watch Mary drive away and begin to play the piano again. Five minutes later the doorbell rings.

I get up walking past a mirror on my way to the door. My hair was overly curly, with sweat pants that made my butt look huge and my shirt was too low but I didn’t care.

As soon as I answered the door I regretted all of my clothing choices. Standing in front of me were the five cutest boys I have ever seen.

My jaw dropped as I realized they were One Direction. They all smiled at me and the one I recognized as Louis said, “Hey I’m Louis, and this is Niall, Zayn, Liam and Harry.”

“I’m Hope.” I choke out, I’ve never been good with celebrities.

We stand there in an awkward silence until Niall finally breaks it by saying, “So, I guess we’re going to be neighbors and we wondering if you guys wanted to come over tonight.”

I smiled and answered with a quick “Sure, what time?”

“Ten.” Liam answers.

My eyes grow wide. Okay, so I’m not exactly the most social person in the world. That’s Lilly. I don’t like parties and I’m hardly out late. Especially with guys I don’t know.

I slowly begin to shake my head no when Lilly comes bolting down the stairs singing a One Direction song. I slap my forehead with the palm of my hand as she turns around and smiles, trying to act cool. How does she do that?! I would have slowly walked right back up the stairs.

“Hey,” She says calmly, smiling.

“Hi…” Louis answers almost in a daze.

Niall laughs at Louis’s face.

Finally Louis shakes out of it. “Would you ladies like to come over tonight?” He asks smoothly.

Lilly blushes and automatically says, “Yes.”

“What?” I burst out, “NO!”

Lilly tries to hit me, “Hope come on,” She pleads.

“We just met them and your sister said to not talk to strangers while she’s gone.”

“She’s gone?” Lilly asks smiling.

I nod, “Yep.”

Lilly turns to the guys, “We’ll see you tonight at, what time?”

“Ten!” Louis answers happily.

“Bye boys,” Lilly says confidently as she closes the door. I slap my forehead again.

“Are you mad?! My dad would kill me if he found out that I went to a party with five guys I just met!” I exclaim.

“Hope!” Lilly pleads, “You’re dad is on the other side of the ocean and Mary is gone, it’s just us, and they’re One Direction!”

I groan, “Fine, but you know I fall asleep at like ten anyway so you better keep me up.”

She smiles, “But if I let you sleep, I could have all the boys for myself.”

“Lilly…” I warn.

“Kidding!” She smiles walking into the kitchen.

I laugh as I remember what she did, “I can’t believe you just ran down the stairs singing One Direction and turned around to see them at the door…. And then you just acted like nothing happened…. HOW DO YOU DO THAT?”

She shrugs, “If you act like nothing happened… everyone will do the same.”

“Interesting,” I answer pretending to write it down.

“Shut up!” She jokes, shoving me.

I look at her, she looks at me and we burst into a fit of giggles. “ONE DIRECTION!” I squeal.

She laughs, “I know! And you were going to say no!”

I shrug unashamed, “Whatever…”

We jump onto the couch and turn on the TV. We just sit there and chill for a couple of hours. “Do we have any food?” I ask walking into the kitchen.

“Um, yeah.” Lilly answers following me, “Mac n’ Cheese and soda.”

“Yum,” I joke, “Well it’s six so if we’re going to this party we better eat.”

I search the kitchen for a pot and begin to make the Mac n’ Cheese. We ate excitedly, cleaned up the kitchen, and then went upstairs to get ready. I straightened my hair and put on some jean shorts and a tee-shirt. I walked out and headed into Lilly’s room. She’s wearing white shorts with a nice green shirt. I guess we’re pretty different.

By that time it was eight and I groan, “I just want to go see them!” I complain.

She laughs, “Come on,” She says taking my hand and pulling out of her room and downstairs.

We walk into the one car garage and find bikes.

“Yes,” I whispered.

“No.” She answered pulling out of the garage. We ended up going on my MAC and looking up videos about One Direction.

“We are such stalkers.” I laugh.

“What?” She asks innocently, “I just want to make sure I don’t make a fool of myself.”

“Okay.” I answer, trying to get her reasoning.

Finally it was five to ten. I brushed my hair again, grabbed my iPhone, and walked downstairs with Lilly.

We giggled nervously the entire two minute walk to their house. I stared at the doorbell right beside me but I couldn’t lift my hand to ring it. Lilly rolls her eyes and presses it.

Liam answers with a smile on his face. “Hi,” He says sweetly, inviting us in.

I took a deep breath and stepped inside. I still couldn’t believe I was seriously with One Direction. Louis comes running down the stairs shirtless, and tackles Liam. “You’re wearing my shirt!” Louis yells. “Don’t you know that if it has stripes on it, IT’S MINE!”

I nudge Lilly and we both burst into a fit of giggles. Louis, noticing us for the first time says, “Oh, hello ladies.”

We wave to him, “You guys can wait in the kitchen,” Liam says politely from under Louis. We go into the kitchen and sit down on the barstools.

I burry my face in my hands and laugh. “Oh my gosh.” I finally say after calming down.

“I know,” Lilly agrees. I heard music coming from the patio and I walk out to see Niall, Zayn and Harry jumping around the pool and dancing to Stole My Heart by who else then, One Direction.

I laugh and try to quietly slip back inside but it’s too late, “Hope!” Harry calls.

I take a deep breath, “Stay calm,” I tell myself as I walk up to them, “Hey!” I say more confidently than I feel.

“Come dance with me!” He says taking my hands.

“Oh gosh,” I blurt out as he pulls me around.

“Harry!” Liam calls saving me.

Harry smirks at me, let’s go, and walks away smoothly. I stand there a moment, dizzy and bewildered, and then I realized, Harry is WAY over confident. I smile at Liam and let him take my hand. We walk upstairs to their bonus room and sit down on the floor.

Louis being as outgoing as he is, looks at Lilly and says, “Truth or Dare?”

“Truth,” Lilly answers.

Louis automatically asks, “When was your first kiss?”

Lilly straightens up and is about to answer when I burst into laughter. I put my hand over my mouth and try to take a deep breath. I look up and realize that everyone’s eyes are on me, “Sorry.” I say quietly. Why did I laugh? I think I just realized that I was seriously sitting next to Liam Payne. “Continue,” I tell Lilly.

“I was fifteen so four years ago?” She answers then looks around the room to pick her next victim, of course, it’s me. “Hope!” She pauses, “Truth or Dare?”

I roll my eyes, “Dare.”

She looks at Harry and then back at me and says, “I dare you to kiss Harry.”

I look at Harry, he raises his eyebrows at me, “Truth,” I say turning back to Lilly.

She frowns at me, and I refuse to look at Harry. She smiles mischievously, “Okay, when was your first kiss?” I glare at her, like I said, I’m not exactly the most social person and I haven’t had my first kiss and she knows that. I slowly look at everyone in the circle but skip over Harry. “I don’t want to play.” I finally say.

Louis was about to object when Lilly said, “Okay, how about something else?”

“Anything,” I answer, hoping for some silly game like hide and go seek.

“Let’s play spin the bottle.” Lilly answers. “Hope and I will get the bottle,” She announces getting up, walking around the circle, and pulling me up too.

“Are you nuts?” I ask as we walk downstairs.

“I had to push you to do something or you would just forever be lonely, and come on Harry totally likes you.”

I gasp trying to think of an answer, “No he doesn’t he’s just a flirt. Besides, Liam is my favorite.”

“Yeah and Louis is mine, could you imagine if I got to kiss him?” I rolled my eyes but couldn’t deny my excitement.

“Fine.” I answer quietly.

Lilly squeals as we walk into the kitchen and find an empty soda bottle in the recyclables. I stuff my hands into the small pockets of my shorts and we walk back up in silence.

“Found a bottle.” Lilly announces looking right at Louis.

Liam smiles at me as I sit back down beside him. I finally look at Harry and he’s fine. He just looks back at me and winks.

Lilly spins the bottle and of course, it lands on Louis. Lilly glances at me then kisses him. This is going to be a long game. Louis spins and it lands on Liam. I laugh.

“Wait,” Louis says.

“Ew,” Liam adds.

“How about if a guy lands on a guy, then that guy has to spin.” Lilly suggests.

“And same for girls,” I feel compelled to add.

“Okay,” Liam says spinning the bottle. I was zoned out and staring at the carpet when the room went quiet. I looked at the bottle and realized it was pointed to me. I looked at Liam he smiled and shrugged.

I breathed deeply, well if I had to share my first kiss with anyone, I’m glad it’s him. I pressed my lips again his, it wasn’t much but I liked it.

Then it was my turn to spin the bottle. I stared at it spin around. When it stopped I looked up to see who it pointed to.

It was Harry. I hid my disappointment and crawled to the other side of Liam where Harry was sitting. I sat on my knees, closed my eyes, and puckered up.

He started slow as he slid his hand through my hair making me nervous. I sat there and waited. I felt his breath on my face and opened my eyes. I was stunned. He was seriously close to me. He kissed me and I felt like I was going to melt. When he pulled away his face was triumphant and I frowned, angry with myself. He may be super cocky and over-flirty but he sure knows how to kiss a girl.

I sat back down at my spot beside Liam. Liam was glaring as Harry who was still looking pretty satisfied. I rolled my eyes and took Liam’s hand. Liam looked at me smiled.

Harry spun and had it land on Niall, Harry’s face fell as he obviously thought he would get to kiss Lilly. Niall spun and it landed on Lilly, she looked up surprised but happily kissed him. I giggled again when I saw Louis’s jealous expression.

I leaned back and laid down on the carpeted floor of the bonus room. I didn’t realize that I was so tired and as soon as I closed my eyes, I was out.

I woke up to someone sitting on my chest. The room was black and everyone was gone except for, who is this? “Hi,” Harry says.

My face fell as I was hoping that it would be Liam. “Hello.” I answered calmly. Then I remembered, “Why are you sitting on me?”

Since it was dark I only saw his figure shrug and then he had his face right in front of mine, “Um,” I said nervously, “What are,” I paused, overwhelmed, “What are you doing?” I asked.

“Shh,” He whispered, his face so close to mine I could feel his cool, minty breath on my face. It was silent for a moment and I could hear everyone downstairs.

“Where’s Harry and Hope?” Liam asked.

“Probably making out,” Zayn joked.

I frowned and Harry laughed. “Get off of me,” I said as politely as I could.

“Fine,” He answered crawling off.

I stood up, “Thank you.” I said as I turned for the closed door.

“Wait,” Harry said. I stopped and listened.

“Why didn’t you want to kiss me?” He asked.

I bit my lip, “You’re just kinda um,” I didn’t know how to put it nicely, “Cocky?”

He gasps sarcastically, I laugh a little and walk over to where he’s sitting. He is really cute. “Truth or Dare?” I ask.

“Dare.” He answers.

“I dare you to kiss me.” I say heading towards the door.

“Easy enough,” He answers.

“But you have to catch me first!” I call behind me as I run out of the door. He chases me down the hallway. I take a sharp left into a room and realize it’s a dead end. He catches me in a corner. Out of breath, he leans his forehead against mine.

“I see it now,” I confess.

He smiles, “See what?”

“Why you’re so flirty.”

“What?” He asks.

I shake my head and kiss him. He was more passionate than before and I felt like I was going to die. He trapped me in between his arms and wall. I wrapped my arms around his back and kissed him back. I pulled away, still breathless. He smiles at me and leans his forehead against mine. “C’mon,” I tell him taking his hand and pulling him downstairs.

“A movie?” I ask excitedly, but there was no answer. Zayn and Niall were passed out on the love seat, Louis and Lilly were making out on the couch and Liam was nowhere to be found. Turned out the movie was some love story chickflick. I looked for Liam and saw him sitting outside.

“I’ll be right back.” I told Harry letting go of his hand and walking outside.

“Hey,” I say leaning against the door frame. I see Liam’s face in the pool lights and I smile. He pats the chair beside him and I walk out and sit there. “How long are you guys here?” I ask.

“All summer, our manager said we needed a break away from our fans.” He answered.

“Sorry,” I said.

“Sorry about what?” He asked.

“Well, Lilly and I are kinda fans so it’s not like you’re getting away from anything.”

“Kinda?” Liam asks.

“Lilly’s a huge fan but I’m just… mediocre.”

He nods, understanding. We sat there quietly. Comfortably. Then I broke it by asking, “So what’s next?”
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