Status: Finished

Gotta Be You


Lilly’s POV

After Hope and Harry’s dinner, we all sat out on the back of the boat. We all brought the blankets from our room out onto the deck to keep warm. Louis and I sat huddled in our blanket with our legs between the bars on the railing, dangling our feet over the ocean.

“What would you do right now, if a shark jumped out and bit your foot off?” Louis asked.

“I would scream, then probably cry and burst into flames.” I answered pulling the blanket tighter around my shoulders and started to shiver.

“Are you cold babe?” He asked and I nodded. He pulled me onto his lap and wrapped us in the blanket again. “Better?”

“A little.” I nodded. Zayn and Carly were sitting on the couch arguing over whose toes were longer and Niall was playing a game on his game boy next to them. McKenna and Liam were braiding each other’s hair. I glanced around looking for Harry and Hope. They were standing up by the railing, Harry was talking and Hope was smiling. I hoped for her sake that it was a real smile, that it was a sign that she had finally warmed up to Harry.

“Lou?” I asked.

“Yeah babe?”

“What time is it?”

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked the home screen. “10:57.” He told everyone.

“Really? It doesn’t seem that late. I’m hardly tired.” I said.

“I’m exhausted.” Carly wailed. “How are you not tired?”

“Come on, let’s go to bed then.” Zayn said standing up and pulling Carly with him. “G’nite everyone.”

“’Night Carls.” McKenna said. “Liam, I’m tired too, let’s go.”

Liam stood up and carried McKenna bridal style back inside. “Wait, Liam, I’m coming too.” Niall said chasing after them.

“If I go to bed can I be sure you will join me tonight?” Harry teased.

Hope blushed. “Sorry about that.” He took her hand and they went inside as well.

“And then there were two.” I said and Louis laughed. “Do you want to go to bed too?”

“Not if you don’t want too. We can stay out here.” I adjusted myself on his lap so I was facing him instead of the water. He leaned his forehead against mine and pressed a gentle kiss on my lips. I rested my head on his shoulder and he ran his fingers through my hair. After a while he asked, “Sleepy now, babe?”

“No. I’m just resting my eyes.”

“Mhmm. C’mon, let’s go.” He picked me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He laid me down on the bed and covered me with our blankets. “Night night.”

I woke up in a panic, sweaty with my heart racing. I sat up straight and glanced towards the clock. 2:02. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. There was no way I was getting back to sleep. I climbed out of bed and went towards my suitcase, I was still in my clothes from yesterday so I put on my pajamas and slippers. After making sure that I hadn’t woke anyone else up, I grabbed my iPod off the dresser and went back out to the deck. I put my headphones in, loud, and stare out at the ocean.

After a few songs I feel a hand press the small of back. “OH MY GOD!” I screamed.

“Shhh.” Niall said covering my mouth with his hand. “It’s just me. Don’t wake the others.”

“Oh geez, Niall, you nearly gave me a heart attack.” I said my heart racing.

“Sorry love. I was calling your name but you couldn’t hear me. What were you listening to?”

“Um,” I glanced down at my iPod at the paused screen. “Paradise by Coldplay. Have you heard it?”

“Yeah, I know the song. What are you doing out here?” He said.

“I had a bad dream and couldn’t sleep.” My teeth started to chatter. “I forgot my sweatshirt though.”

“Hang on.” Niall said and he went back inside. I turned back towards the water and stared at the stars for a while. When he came back he was carrying a sweatshirt and a piece of cake with two forks. “Take my jumper.” He hands me his sweatshirt and I pull it on. He took my hand and led me towards the couch. “I got the leftovers of Harry and Hope’s cake for us.”

I grabbed a fork and dug in. “Don’t eat it all, it was for us to share.” He teased.

“Sorry.” I mumbled with my mouth full.

“That’s ok. I like a girl who can eat.” I froze, he couldn’t have meant that the way that I thought. He knew that I liked Louis. “So, tell Niall all about your dream.”

I take another bite of cake and try to remember what made me scared. “I think it had something to do with the ocean.” I said. “Maybe sharks or something, I don’t know, but it woke me up and now I can’t sleep.”

“Sounds terrifying.” He mocked and I shoved his shoulder. “Relax babe, I’m only teasing.”

“What are you doing out here?” I asked.

“I felt lonely, I feel company among the stars, they make me feel at home. I do it a lot on tour.” He said. “When I get lonely, I go on the hotel roof or something and just look at the sky. I think it helps ‘cause I know my family sees the same sky.”

“Niall, that’s so beautiful.” I said and he chuckled.

“Yeah, well-”

“Do you miss Natalie? Is that why you are lonely?” I cut him off.

“Um, actually. I kind of lied about that.” He said. “I sort of broke things off between us.”

“Aw, Niall why?” I reached out and took his hand.

“I told her I met somebody else.” He dropped his gaze towards the now empty cake plate.


“You.” His eyes flickered up towards me. The color is so vibrate in the dark, it felt like he was looking into my soul.

“Niall, I- There’s- and Louis.” I stammered. “Oh, Niall.”

“I know. Louis. But I didn’t know what else to do. I shouldn’t have told you, I’m sorry.” He said. “It just made things awkward.”

“Niall, I wish I felt the same way, but I really like Louis and I can’t do that to him.” I said. “I think it’s best if we just stay friends right now.” Honestly at that point I didn’t know how I felt about Niall, at all. All I knew was that I really liked Louis. I started to cry, the tears rolled off my chin and onto Niall’s sweatshirt I was wearing.

“Lilly? Lilly, babe, don’t cry. It’s ok that you don’t feel the same way. Oh, Lilly don’t cry.” He pulled me close to him and I buried my face in the sweatshirt he was wearing. He started to rub his hand in small circles on my back. I don’t know why I was crying, I was just hopelessly confused. After I cried myself out, I looked up at Niall, he was looking down at me.

“Niall, I’m sorry. That was unnecessary. I’ll just go back to bed, I’m really sorry.” I started to stand but he pulled me back down. He stretched out and pulled me next to him.

“It’s ok Lilly. Just stay here tonight, I’ll keep you warm.” He said and I started to drift off in his arms.