Status: Finished

Gotta Be You

Rough Sleep

Hope's POV

I hugged my pillow tighter as I began to wake up. I opened my eyes and stretched feeling a stitch of pain shoot down my leg. Then I realized that I was on the floor in our cabin.

“I fell?” I muttered to myself, sitting up on the hard wooden floor. I faintly remembered the night before where I tried to sleep on the very edge of the bed. I should have known that I would have fallen off. I looked at the purple bruise on my leg and rolled my eyes. I stood up, first looking at Harry who was sound asleep on one bed and Louis sleeping alone on the other. Alone? Where’s Lilly? I grabbed my sweatshirt and walked out of the cabin, onto the deck. I stretched again as the sun began to rise then my jaw dropped.

Lilly was asleep on the couch wrapped in Niall’s arms. I thought that she really liked Louis. What does this mean? My head began to throb. It was too early for this. I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the island staring at the spotless counter.

“Maybe she feels the same way I do.” I muttered to myself. Harry is nice and fun but, I sighed, I think I like Liam more. I hit my head against the counter, “What about McKenna?” I asked myself, a tear falling down my cheek. “Why am I so emotional?” I grumbled.

“What are you talking about?” Liam asked coming into the kitchen. My eyes grew wide and I lifted my head off the counter, “Oh my gosh are you okay?” He asked, sitting beside me and wiping the tear off my cheek.

“Oh, yeah,” I answered, smiling at him. Then I frowned, “How much of that did you hear?”

“Just the part about being emotional.” He answered casually. I sighed in relief, “Just talked to the captain, he says we’ll docking at an island soon.”

“Yes,” I joked, “I can finally get off this boat.”

“I know,” He answered clutching his stomach.

“Do you get sea sick?” I guessed.

He nodded, “Yeah, that’s why I’m up so early, I can’t stand it.”

“Aw, I’m sorry,” I said giving him a side hug.

“Thanks,” He answered resting his head on mine. I sighed and couldn’t help to think that this just felt right.

“Is McKenna your girlfriend?” I mumbled.

“What?” He asked.

“Nothing,” I answered, my face turning red.

“No tell me.”

“Is McKenna you’re girlfriend?”

He paused, then opened his mouth but before he could answer Niall and Lilly walked in. I made eye contact with her and looked at the door. She understood, “We’ll be right back.” She announced turning around and walking toward the door again. I smiled at Liam and then followed her.

“So what’s going on?” I asked when we were outside. “I mean, because I saw you guys on the couch and…”

“Don’t tell Louis!” She exclaimed, a tear running down her cheek.

“Chill out, I just want to know what’s going on.”

“Niall’s really nice and stuff but I just want to be friends.” She finished, obviously not wanting to talk about it anymore.

I sighed, “Why are we so emotional now?”

She laughed, “You know; boys… so what’s going on with you and Liam.”

“Um,” I paused, “I don’t know.”

“You like him.” She decided.

Every part of my body was screaming yes, “Um, no.”

“Yes you do,” She almost laughed, “Don’t even try to deny it.”

“But I don’t want to hurt Harry!”

“Then let him down easy, and trust me it works, I’ve done it with a lot of boys.”

“I’d rather to just not let anything happen between Harry and I. So you can’t leave us alone.”

“We’re on a boat, there’s pretty much no place to be alone.” She answered.

“No, we’re going to an island today. Liam was talking with the captain.”

As if on cue, Captain Daniel came strolling down the deck towards us, “How’re you two ladies doing today?” He asked kindly.

“Great!” I lied, with a fake smile. Lilly smiled too and nodded.

“Great!” He mimicked before continuing past us.

“C’mon,” I almost complained, “This is supposed to be fun. So just don’t let it get to you.”

She nodded, “And I promise not to leave you alone.”

“Unless I’m with Liam.” I answered with a smile.

“Unless you’re with Liam.” She agreed before we walked back into the kitchen.
By this time, everyone was present. Carly and Zayn were talking at the table. McKenna was sitting with Liam and Harry at the island and Niall was making pancakes while Louis walked around in a sailor hat and shouting random orders at everyone.

“Ah Darling,” He yelled walking over to Lilly and kissing her. Her eyes were first wide with surprise and then she relaxed again. I laughed and walked over the island to sit in the only available space beside Liam.

“So what do you think is at the island?” McKenna mostly asked Harry, so Liam turned to me and asked me the same question.

I shrugged, “I don’t know, maybe some cool vendors or something fun.”

“Can I talk to you?” He asked, his face automatically becoming serious.

“Sure?” I answered nervously.

We walked back out onto the deck and sat down on the couch. We were quiet, only hearing Louis yelling in the kitchen.

“No.” He finally said

“What?” I asked, zoned out.

“No, she’s not my girlfriend.”