Status: Finished

Gotta Be You


Lilly’s POV

“Come on Lilly! I want to get off the boat!” Louis said pulling me towards the dock.

“Waaaaiiiit! I promised Hope I would wait for her.” I said.

“You can wait for her on the dock.” He said and I sighed following him down the ramp. “What are we going to do today?”

“I think everyone wanted to go to the beach.” I said. I saw Hope heading towards the ramp and I motioned for her to hurry. “Come on Hope! Louis wants to go to the beach now! Unless you want to be left alone…”

“Shhh!” She sprinted down the ramp. “You don’t need to announce it to the world.”

“Why, it’s not like people can hear me. They are just taking forever to get ready.” I told her.

“Well, Louis heard you.” She said motioning toward him, standing right behind me.

“Yeah, I did hear her. Why don’t you want to be alone Hope? Are you scared a monster is going to bite your nose off?” He joked.

“Hope doesn’t want to be left alone with-“ I started to say but Hope covered my mouth with her hand.

“What are you doing?” She said. “He’s Harry’s best friend, he might tell!”

“What’s wrong with Harry?” He asked. “I’m not five years old, I won’t go run and tell him what you said.”

“It’s nothing.” Hope said.

I sighed, “Nevermind. Let’s just go guys, they can catch up.” I started walking toward the end of the dock with Hope and Louis behind me.

After about 10 minutes Liam, Niall, Zayn, Carly, McKenna and Harry joined us on the beach. We all spread out towels and laid down.

“It’s so warm out here.” Carly said. “But then it gets so cold at night.”

“Yeah, I know. Last night was freezing.” I said.

“Speaking of last night, where were you? When I woke up you were gone.” Louis asked me.

“I, um-“ I stuttered.

“She wakes up early, like me. So we just sat outside together this morning.” Niall said, saving me.

“And watched the sunrise.” I added. After Louis turned back to the others I mouthed a ‘thank you’ to Niall. I stood up and brushed the sand off my legs. “I’m going to go for a walk. Does anyone want to join me?”

Niall stood up, “I will.”

“No, Niall, you stay here. I want to talk to Lilly.” Louis said taking my hand. We walked down towards the water and I picked up a shell and tossed it in the ocean. “Why are you lying to me?”

“What?” I said.

“I woke up at like three this morning and you were gone. Even I know the sun doesn’t rise that early.” Louis said turning to face me.

“I-I don’t k-know. Maybe I was in the bathroom or something.” I tried, but I knew it sounded like I was lying. I didn’t want him to know that what happened with Niall last night had made me doubt how much I liked Louis.

“Tell me the truth, Lilly, please.” He looked up at me with pleading eyes. “I just want to know what happened to you last night. You are acting really weird today.”

“Ok,” I sighed. “Don’t tell anyone what I am about to tell you, or get mad.”

“I promise I won’t tell.” He said.

“No you have to pinky-swear.” I held out my pinky and he latched his onto mine.

“I pinky-swear.” He said rolling his eyes.

“So I had a bad dream last night and I couldn’t back to sleep so I went out on the deck and Niall came outside too. He said he was lonely and I asked if it was because he missed Natalie, then he said that he broke up with Natalie because he met somebody else.” I rushed.

“Ok, and…” He questioned.

“He said he broke up with Natalie because of me.” I dropped my gaze towards the sand and traced a figure eight with my toe. I paused hoping that Lou would say something but he didn’t so I continued. “But I told him I didn’t feel the same way, and then I got really upset and started to cry. He just sat there for a while I cried then we fell asleep.”

“Aw, babe, don’t worry about it. I’ll set Niall straight.” He started to walk back up towards everyone else but I pulled him back.

“You promised, no PINKY-SWORE, that you wouldn’t say anything to anybody. Not even Harry, I don’t think Niall wanted anyone to know.”

“Fine, but you have to promise me something now.” He said.

“What is it?”

“You don’t like, like, Niall right?”

“Um, no.” I said. But on the inside I really wasn’t sure. The things he said last night had really changed how I thought of Niall. “Come on, let’s go back.”

We walked back over to the group and I saw Hope awkwardly talking with Liam and Harry so I sat down next to her. “Hey guys.”

“Hey Lilly.” Harry said.

“What are ya’ll talking about?”

“Nothing.” Hope said. “Just our families and stuff.”

“Oh, cool.” I said. I turned around and saw Louis staring at me. I smiled at him and he smiled right back. I hoped that he wasn’t to mad about what I said about Niall, and he better not say anything to Niall.