Status: Finished

Gotta Be You

Take A Shower

I woke up wrapped in Harry’s arms. I glanced at the clock on the bedside table. It was now seven. I gently took Harry’s arms off of me, cautious not to wake him and got up. I silently searched the room for my laptop when I remembered that in was on the deck, still plugged into the speakers. I slid on my TOMs, put on my jacket, and walked outside. It was nice and sunny but a little cooler than usual. I grabbed my laptop and walked into the kitchen, setting it down on the island. I sat down and went on YouTube.

I typed one direction into the search bar and waited for the videos to come up. I constantly clicked on video after video. I might have spent the last couple of days with these boys but I realized that I knew nothing about them.

I could tell why Lilly liked Louis so much and why so many girls like Harry. That would explain his over-confidence. I then went to google and read a bunch of articles until I came up on one that confused me to bitter end. Apparently, Harry has slept with numerous girls.

“He’s a player.” I muttered, frowning.

“Vas Happening?” Zayn joked, walking into the kitchen.

“Nothing,” I answered as I struggled to quickly close all the windows.

He smiled at me, knowing that I was hiding something. I kept my face straight before getting up and making some breakfast.

“Hungry?” I asked as I opened the fridge and took out the eggs to make omelets.

“Yes please.” He answered sitting down at the island.

“So where’s Carly?” I asked cracking the eggs into the pan.

“Still sleeping,” He shrugged.

“You guys are getting pretty serious.” I noticed.

He smiled, “Yeah, she’s… she’s great.”

“I’m glad.” I smiled, “Because I know she feels the same way.”

His face lit up and I smiled even brighter. I wish my relationships were this easy.

“Hi,” Lilly said quietly, walking into the kitchen wearing slippers. She was soon followed by Louis and Harry. Oh Harry, I refused to look at him. He walked over and kissed my cheek. It took a great deal of strength for me not to flinch.

I grimaced to myself as I thought of all the girls he’s woken up to. I privately shook my head and made a promise to myself; it wouldn’t be me.

“The first batch of omelets will be ready in a second.” I told him dully.

“Okay.” He answered, oblivious.

Niall came in solemn faced but his face lit up as he saw the omelet I was making, “Food.” He smiled.

McKenna and Liam came in after. They both looked on the verge of tears. I frowned. “Hope can I talk to you?” McKenna asked quietly.

“Sure?” I hesitated, following her out silently. I should have seen this coming.

“Liam told me.” She announced.

“McKenna I’m so sorry.” I burst into tears. “Please, it just happened, I don’t even know I just… I’m so sorry.”

“I should have seen it coming.” She sighed, “I mean Liam and I don’t even share a bed. He sleeps with Niall…”

She continued ranting about all the things Liam does and I realized that Liam likes me… a lot. I bit my lip, feeling extremely guilty about last night. I continued to sob. “I’m so sorry McKenna.”

“It’s fine I guess.” She wipes away her tears, “I guess I’ll get over it.”

I turned around and began to walk to my room. “Hey! Where’re you going?” She asked.

“My room.” I answered, “I’m disgusted with myself.”

“Hope…” She started.

“No.” I answered running into my room before she could respond. I flopped down on my bed and buried my face in my pillow. I continued to sob before I got up and walked into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at my bloodshot eyes.

“I’m just as bad as Harry.” I gasped, choking back another sob.

“Hope?” Someone called.

I groaned in response and sat down on the cool tile.

To my surprise, it was Louis who walked into the bathroom and sat down beside me on the floor.

“Liam explained,” He started, “How’re you doing?”

“Badly,” I sobbed, “I don’t deserve any of this.”

“I was so wrong.” He announced.

“What do you mean?” I questioned.

“Nothing I just thought... no nothing, never mind.”

“Okay,” I answered, burying my face in my hands.

“You want to come out?” He asked. I shook my head, “Alright, it’ll be okay Hope.”

After he left I began to calm down. I took numerous deep breaths and wiped the tears out of my eyes. I stood up and looked into the mirror again. I tried to smile. My eyes were still bright red and I looked absolutely miserable.

“Hope?” Liam unmistakable voice called out.

“In here.” I answered, surprised at how steady my voice was.

Liam walked into the bathroom, walked up to me and hugged me.

“I such an idiot.” I stuttered, “Why are you here? You should be comforting McKenna, she’s the one who’s hurt.”

“McKenna’s fine.” He reassured me, “Although,” He smiled, “She’s warming up to Harry.”

I smiled too, “He’s all hers.”

“So what do you want to do today?” He asked.

“Take a shower.”

He laughed, “Okay, and after that?”

“Um,” I shrugged, “Maybe we could go explore the island or something?”

He smiled, “Sounds good.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so... a lot is going on.. please comment and tell me what you think.