Status: Finished

Gotta Be You


Lilly’s POV

After Captain Daniel got the boat out of the marina and going at a steady speed I went outside to read. I got through about four pages when I heard Louis yelling from inside.

“Has anyone seen my girlfriend? I need to tell her something! Lilly!” He was shouting.

“I’m out here Lou!” I hollered back.

“There you are babe!” He said opening the door. “What are you reading?”

“The Help. What did you need to tell me?” I sat up and pushed my sunglasses further up the bridge of my nose.

“Oh, nothing, I was just trying to find you. Now how about a kiss for your lovely boyfriend?” He joked leaning towards me.

“How about I’ll give you a kiss, if you go get me a bottle of water?” I said opening my book up again.

“Sure thing.” He got up and headed for the kitchen. As soon as he left I felt someone sit on the end of my lounge chair, I looked up from my book, frustrated.

“Can’t I get any peace out here? I am just trying to read!” I wailed.

“Geez sorry!” Carly said. “But I’ve got something more important than that book to tell you!”

“I was just kidding and what is it?”

“Zayn asked me to be his girlfriend too!” She said, obviously excited.

“That’s great Carly!” I tried to give her a hug, but it was hard since I was sitting down so I just stood up and hugged her.

“After Lou asked you, we were talking and stuff and he asked me if I thought it was cute how Louis asked you to be his girlfriend and stuff, so I was like ‘yeah I guess’. Then he got down on one knee, and I got really nervous because I was thinking like ‘I’ve only known you like a week, I’m not going to marry you’ but then he asked me to be his girlfriend!” She rushed to tell me.

“Aww, that is soooo cute!” I cooed. “He’s so sweet.”

“Yeah, I know!” Louis came back carry a bottle of water for me and a Coke for him.

“Here you go babe, now where is my kiss?” He handed me my drink and I gave him a quick kiss.

“Thank you very much.” I said.

The rest of the day went by with everyone just lounging around. I finished my book around dinnertime, and I felt bad for keeping to myself all day so I went to find Hope. She was in the kitchen with Niall making dinner. Well, Hope was making dinner, Niall was just eating anything he could find. I decided to let her cook, so I went back out to the back deck to sit with everyone. Liam and Harry were battling each other on some kind of gameboy game and everyone else was watching.

“Hey Lilly! Come watch.” Louis said, motioning for me to come over.

I watched for a while but I got bored soon. “I think I’ll go help Hope with dinner.”

“I’ll come too!” Louis said taking my hand. We walked around towards the front of the boat and the sun had just began to set and the sky turned a vibrant orange.

“Oh, Louis, look at the sky. It’s beautiful.” I said in awe.

“It’s nothing compared to you.” He said and I let out a little gasp. I opened my mouth to say something, but I closed it again because I had nothing to say to that. “Don’t deny it.”

He leaned his forehead down on mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked his nose. “May I have this dance?” He asked.

“Lou, there is no music.”

“One second and I can fix that.” He pulled his iPhone out of his pocket and played a slow song that I didn’t recognize. “How’s that?”

“It’s perfect.” I smiled. He put his arms around my waist and we swayed in the fading sunlight.

Just as the song ended Niall called to us, “Hey guys?” Louis and I stepped away from each other and Niall’s face reddened. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to like ruin your moment, but dinner is ready.”