Status: Finished

Gotta Be You


“Aw, geez.” I said under my breath.

“What is it babe?” Louis asked coming up behind me and putting his hand on the small of my back.

“Look at Liam and Hope.” I gestured out towards the water, where Hope and Liam were kissing. I couldn’t believe that she would lie to me, she said she would give Harry a chance. “I wish she would just make a decision before someone gets hurt.”

“Someone already did get hurt. Remember McKenna?” He said.

“Oh right. Well she is going to hurt even more people, if I was Harry I would just give up because right now Hope seems to be favoring Liam.”

“Just wait, tonight she’ll be back to Harry.” Louis said, half-joking.

I started to protest and stand up for my friend, but I knew it was true so I just closed my mouth. “Let’s go, leave them alone.” I took Louis hand and pulled him away from the railing.

“So, what is the first thing you want to do as Rose and Jack?”

“Hm, let’s see, what did they do on the Titanic?” I thought.

“I could draw a picture of you.” Louis suggested.

“Whoa there!” I said.

“Not naked!” He said, slightly embarrassed. “Just a picture.”

“Alright. Go get some paper and meet me out back.” He left to go find a pad of paper and I went to go think of a cheesy pose I could do. Louis came back outside, I leaned up against the railing and put on my serious face. “Is this a good pose?”

“Do something cute! Like you normally do.”

“What?” I asked.

“Here sit on this!” He pulled over a chair and I sat in it sideways, with my legs over the armrest. I put my arms out behind me and smiled. “Much better!”

Louis drew very intently, rarely looking up from the paper to look at me. After a while I started to get impatient. “I’m getting tired, are you almost done?” I complained.

“Yeah, one more minute.” He said, adding a few more lines. “Okay, I’m done.”

He flipped the paper around so I could see it. I busted out laughing when I saw it. ”Aw Louis it’s great. I look so skinny!” I pointed to the stick figure he drew as me.

“You are so skinny babe! You’re beautiful.”

“Thanks Louis.” I said kissing him. “It’s a beautiful picture.”

“So what’s next on our to do list?”

“Didn’t they do a dance or something?” I asked.

“I don’t really know. I haven’t watched the Titanic in the longest time.” He said.

“That’s what we should do! Watch the movie together.” I exclaimed. “Come on!” I pulled him inside towards our room and plopped down on the couch.

I searched Titanic on Netflix and ordered it. “I’m going to tell you right now that I am going to cry when Jack dies.”

“That’s ok, I might cry too.” Louis said putting his arm around my shoulders. I snuggled into his side and curled up.

About halfway through the movie there was a knock at the door. “Come in!” Louis called.

“Hey, well aren’t you guys being anti-social, sitting in here all by yourselves.”Niall teased.

“Yeah, we just wanted to be alone Niall!” Louis said. “What do you want?”

“Nothing really. I just hoped you guys were doing something fun.” He said.
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Sorry it's short and ends in an weird place.