Status: Finished

Gotta Be You


Lilly’s POV

“What do you guys want to do today?” I asked Carly and McKenna.

“Do you want to go shop? We could go into London.” Carly suggested.

“Sounds good to me.” McKenna agreed. “Let’s just get dressed and then we will go.

Mary came down the stairs carrying her purse. “Hey girlies!” She said.

“We are going shopping today, do you want to come?” I asked her.

“Sorry, I wish I could, but I have plans with Derek. Have fun, and don’t get lost!” Mary called as she headed for the door.

“So it’s just us three I guess, since Hope is so preoccupied with Harry.” McKenna said. I shrugged and headed for the stairs. I put on my jean shorts and a pink tank top and went back to the kitchen to wait for the others. I hopped up on the counter and swung my feet back and forth. My nail polish had started to chip and I tried to finish the job by picking it off myself. I was watching the pink flakes flutter to the ground when I heard the doorbell ring and went to go answer it.

“Hello.” I said peering around the door.

“Hey babe!” Louis said stepping inside. He gave me a kiss and walked towards the kitchen.

“Uh, come in?” I said jokingly.

“Thanks love. Do you have plans today?” He asked.

“Actually, the girls and I were going to go and shop in London.” I said and his face fell. “You guys could come with us.” I rushed out before his feelings could be hurt.

“Thanks but it kind of sounds like a girls trip.” He said. “And we might kind of create a scene.”

“I’m sure the girls would love to stay home as well. Anything, as long as they get to hang out with you guys.”

We laughed. “Yeah, the guys were pretty fond of them as well.”

“It was definitely noticed.” Just then McKenna and Carly came back down the stairs.

“Hi Louis.” They said in unison. He gave them a typical boy head nod and flipped his hair.

“Do you guys want to go shopping together? I think I am going to just hang out with Lou.” I said.

“Geez, everyone is bailing on us today.” McKenna whined.

“You know what, I think I am going to hang out with Zayn today.” Carly joked. “And ditch you too.”

“I think you and Zayn had enough fun last night.” McKenna said pulling Carly towards the door.

“It’s not my fault you and Liam were being sticks in the mud!” She protested. I had to laugh at my friends.

“Sorry about them.” I said to Louis.

“That’s ok, they seem like fun people.”

“They are my best ‘mates’.” I said putting air quotes on mates. “Do you like my British word?”

“Very cute.” Louis joked. “Do you want to go into the little town today?”

“Sure.” I realized this was the first time I was really going to be alone with Louis. Every other time we had hung out there had been a lot of other people with us. I took his hand and we started walking towards his house to get his car.

When we were driving into town I couldn’t get over the beautiful views that I hadn’t noticed when I came with Niall. Niall. He confused me so much that day. He told me he had a girlfriend, kind of, and continued to flirt. Maybe that was just his personality, I don’t know, but it was awful confusing.

“Any where you want to go, love?” Louis asked, and I noticed that we were parked.

“There was a cute little cupcake shop I came to with Niall, we could go get a cupcake. Then just window shop.” I said.

“Sure.” I got out of the car and took Louis’ hand. “I think it was this way.”

The cupcake shop was the same, I ordered a red velvet again because it had been so good the first time and Louis did the same.

“Red velvet is my favorite.” I said.

“Mine too. I wonder how they make it red.”

I pondered it for a moment.”The only thing I can think of is food dye.”

“It makes sense.” Louis said. We walked along in silence for a while. “You know I really like you.”

“I really like you too.” I said, I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. It was more than I could have hoped for, coming to England. I had gotten away from Austin, met someone new, and that person just happened to be from One Direction. We walked along for the rest of the day, ducking in and out of stores. Before long, the sun was low in the sky and the air was getting colder.

Louis and I were sitting on a bench in the small park in the town, watching the sunset behind the old brick buildings. “Are you cold?” He asked, noticing my shivering.

“No, I’m just on vibrate.” We laughed. “Yeah, actually I am a little cold.” I said.

“Maybe I should get closer.” He said scooting closer to me and wrapping his arms around mine.

“Oh, how romantic.” I said leaning my head onto his shoulder.

“I try to be.”