Easter Bunny

Chapter 1

It had been a long night, that was for sure. Brian yawned and walked in his room, seeing that Zacky was still absent from the double bed. The guitarist pouted and wanted to walk out of the room again in search for his boyfriend but then there was the little fact that he was just too tired to go down the stairs again. Pulling his shirt over his head, Brian yawned again and threw the shirt over the chair present in the room. It was a small room but just big enough to hold a double bed, a long desk that hung at the wall in it's whole length and an build-in closet.

Running his fingers through his shoulder-length black hair, Brian walked over to the bed and fell down, burying his face in his pillow (while his legs were still over the side of the bed) and enjoying the smell of Zacky's regular strawberry shampoo. Which made him realize that he had just fallen on his lovers side of the bed, perhaps by mistake, perhaps he had planned this. The latter is more likely though. His arms wrapped around the pillow as he swung his legs over the side of the bed so he could lay down on it completely.

His mind wondered where his boyfriend was at this time of the day. They didn't exactly have a gig tonight, nor the day after that so they were spending the next few days at the home they owned together. Brian sighed and snuggled closer in the pillow, taking in the scent of his boyfriend as the real thing was currently absent from his presence.

Brian sighed and turned around so his face was directed to the ceiling, his arms kept the pillow of his boyfriend close to his chest while his eyes began to drop. The guitarist yawned again and then turned on his side, pulling his knees to his chest and closed the pillow between his chest and legs.

Feeling a slight cold breeze going over his body, he groaned and pulled the blankets from under him, covering his body with them and finally decided to close his eyes in an attempt to sleep, not releasing the pillow in his arms. He grabbed his own pillow and placed it under his head so he would have some good support for his head.

It seemed like every inch of his body was against him sleeping from that moment on. Either his hair was in his eyes and irritating his nose slightly, or he couldn't feel his feet anymore, causing him to stretch his legs a couple of times. Brian sighed and sat up on the bed, scratching his head and yawning a little, Zacky's pillow laying next to him as his arms had released it only seconds ago to sit up.

The guitarist blinked a couple of times, realizing that his boyfriend was still absent from the room. With his shoulders hung and a sad glance in his eyes, Brian laid back down on the bed, his arms stretched over the whole length of the bed and his eyes facing the ceiling.

“I miss Zacky.” Brian muttered to himself, frowning a little and sighing, feeling rather lonely in the big bed. He pouted and turned around so he could face the wall of the bedroom while his arms reached for the pillow again so he could hug it and smell the familiar scent of strawberry's.

“Damn it, where is the guy?” Brian whined, knowing that he wouldn't be able to fall asleep if his mind kept wondering where his lover was. He closed his eyes again, forcing himself to go to sleep again, hoping that this time his body wouldn't protest against the much needed rest.


Zacky on the other hand, walked in the house with a smile on his face. It wasn't that late and he had just returned from his walk. He frowned, wondering where Brian was. Last time he saw him, the guitarist had been in the living room, looking rather bored by what was playing on the television at that moment.

The living room however, was completely deserted except some empty bottles of soda and beer on the coffee table, courtesy of both Zacky and Brian since they were both just too lazy to clean up after themselves. The smaller guitarist sighed and shook his head, putting down whatever he was holding in his hands right now and grabbed the bottles, carrying them to the kitchen and placing them on the counter. He would deal with them later on. First he had to find Brian.

Grabbing the object on the table, he walked up the stairs and looked in every room, ending in their bedroom where he found his boyfriend peacefully sleeping over the whole bed, a pillow clenched between his arms and bare chest and a small pout playing on his lips. The sight alone made Zacky dream.

Zacky smiled and leaned against the door frame, staring at Brian who slightly moved in his sleep and muttered something under his breath of which Zacky only understood two words of and those were 'pink' and 'tour bus'. Whatever his boyfriend was dreaming about, it amused the hell out of Zacky who had trouble keeping in his laughter and so, wake Brian up.

Crossing his arms in front of his chest, Zacky watched as his boyfriend turned around in his sleep and pulled the pillow closer to his chest, unaware that he was being watched. Zacky sighed dreamy and reminded himself that he was holding something that could amuse the both of them. Pulling his shirt over his head and throwing it to the chair where Brian's was also hanging over rather sloppy but they didn't really care about that. Putting whatever was in his hands on his head, Zacky walked over to the bed where his beautiful lover was sleeping so peacefully.

Right at that moment, Brian chose to turn around again, this time, laying on his back. Zacky grinned a little and shook his head at Brian, it was like he was half-awake yet still asleep and had no idea of what his other male-half was about to do.

Zacky kept looking at his boyfriend, sleeping soundly and sometimes muttering something under his breath. Deciding that he had waited long enough, Zacky crawled on the bed and poked Brian in the side, receiving an annoyed groan before the guitarist swung his arm at whatever was poking him.

Biting his lip, Zacky kept in a small giggle as he crawled further on the bed and straddled Brian's sleeping form before he bended down and gave the guitarist a small kiss on the lips, waking him up. Brian groaned and turned his head away. Zacky pouted and shook his head at Synyster, starting to assault the other man's neck with butterfly kisses.

Brian groaned again and turned his head again, meeting Zacky's pink lips in a kiss.

“You woke me up,” Brian said, whining a little still choosing to hold the pillow in front of his chest with his arms crossed in front of it. Zacky smirked and gave Brian a kiss again after the guitarist yawned again.

“Oh you love me for it.” Zacky muttered as their lips were just inches away from each other. The youngest guitarist sat back up, his knees just next to Brian's hips. Synyster yawned again and stretched out his arms just above his head, looking at Zacky before pulling him back down for another kiss, placing his hand behind his neck and so making sure the smaller man couldn't escape from the kiss while Synyster's other arm encircled his waist.

“Happy Easter,” Zacky said, their foreheads touching briefly as they made eye contact with each other. Green eyes meeting brown.

“I love you and your little bunny ears.” Brian smirked before he pulled his boyfriend in for another kiss. "Happy Easter."
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy Easter :3