Status: Updating slowly

Let The Games Begin!

Private Sessions

It is now the third day of training and also the day of our private sessions with the game makers. Everyone was scared and pacing the room. Most people, including me, had no idea what they would show the game makers. Although I would have to decide fast considering I will be the second one to see them, right after Lerom. I wonder if he has decided what he is going to use to impress the game makers? I am just about to ask him but his name is called.
Lerom Jubiel, District 1
Lerom gets up and walks back to the training area, disappearing through the doors. Leaving me with my thoughts.

Since the first day of training we have added both tributes from 4 and the boy from 7 to our alliance, the girl from 7 didn’t seem to trust us enough to join us. We spent the rest of the training time learning more skills that will come in handy while in the arena, not only fighting skills. All or our allies seem to have special skills, I am great with knife throwing, Lerom is a skilled hand-to-hand combat fighter, both from two -who I have recently learned are named Aaron and Nalia- are both great with bows, and the boy from 4 –now known to me as Kaleb- uses a sword miraculously. I would be terrified to go up against any of them in any sort of fight. Hopefully I wont have to.
Maylee Dumark, District 1
I feel all of the color drain from my face when I hear my name called. Slowly making my way to the doors I try to act as confident as possible.
When I push open the doors and enter the training area I see all of the game makers, along with the head game maker, watching me with careful eyes from above. Deciding to show them what I do best I head straight over to the knife throwing station and pick up an assortment of different knives. Turning to face the practice targets I take a deep breath before throwing the knives as quickly as I can, hitting all of the targets in directly in the middle of the inner most ring each and every time. Breathing a sigh of relief I turn back to the game makers, their expressions unreadable.
“If you have finished, you may go now,” one of them speaks. I walk out of the room still feeling relieved. The guards outside the door lead me to the elevator and tell me to return to my designated floor. Once back on the District 1 floor, I head into the main living area to see Lerom, Shawna, and Caria all waiting there already.
“What now?”
“Well the game makers will give you each a score, 1 through 12, based on the level of skill that they believe you to have,” Caria explains., “It will have a major influence on your ability to obtain sponsors.”
“Apparently they are going to broadcast our score later tonight,” Lerom says.
“How long are we going to have to wait to find out?”
“At least a couple hours, so probably not until after dinner.”
I groan


Now, as a way to judge the skill level of each tribute, today they were all given a chance to show the game makers what they are capable of. As a result, the game makers are giving them a score based on the level of skill they believe them to have, rated on a scale of 1 to 12. They have not yet been informed of their scores, and those scores will be announced now!

The announcer explains in a painfully cheery manner. You would think that they would be a little more…sympathetic…just maybe?

We will be announcing the scores in order of the boy and then girl, for each district.

For District one: Lerom Jubiel comes in with an eight!
An “8” flashes across the screen. Lerom looks immediately relieved and Shawna and Caria both seem pleased with the score.

Also from district 1: Maylee Dumark, who comes in with a nine! A “9” flashes across the screen before disappearing.

I just sit there completely dumbfounded by what I have just heard and seen. Lerom offers me a friendly smile, the kind that says “I’m proud of you” and I offer one back. Both our mentor and stylist are very pleased with both of our scores, Shawna turns the volume way down although leaves the screen on where it is now announcing District 2’s score.
“Fabulous job you guys!” Caria praises us.
“Both of you did just splendid!” Shawna follows with.
Glancing at the screen behind them I see both Aaron and Nalia pull an eight. Although I wouldn’t admit it to anyone, getting a higher score than Aaron gave me a feeling of pride, probably because he can be real cocky.
I continue to watch. Kaleb pulls a nine also and even his district partner lands a solid seven. As I watch I take note of the few that get higher scores. boy 3, boy 6, girl 7, boy 7, girl 11and the rest get relatively decent scores, although not standing out as much. No one was given a score over 10 though, and that was only scored by the boy from 7. Seems as though we may have missed out on a powerful ally.
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HELLO! Yes I am back. I have decided to continue this story, although mainly because the fabulous Dea (paracosm.) wanted me to. I lost two subscribers but that is understandable because I wasn't going to continue this story. But I am going to attempt to update this story at least once every two weeks, more often if I can so look forward to that! Oh and I'm sorry for the sucky chapter...hopefully it will get better :)
We are almost to the arena YAY!

Comments are loved <3