Status: Updating slowly

Let The Games Begin!

Poor Little Tribute Girl

I am filing into the town square with my sister, two brothers, and mother at exactly 10 am. My mother and sister are ushered off somewhere while the rest of us go to sign in. We sign in with the peacekeepers and head to the roped off areas to wait.
"Maylee!" someone calls from behind me.
I turn and see Rachele (Ra-shell), my best friend since forever, running up to me. We are both fifteen, so both of our names are entered four times. She is wearing
a very pretty dress with black leggings and heels, she looks really pretty.
"Maylee!! I am so scared!!" she chokes our before she starts to sob into my shoulder.
"It is ok! They aren't going to pick you, there are others with their name in more times than us! They aren't going to pick you," I repeat.
Just then Lerom walks up to us. "Hey," he says solemnly.
"Hi," I answer while Rachele continues sobbing.

We are silenced and Rachele pulls herself together enough to stay quiet, then a woman, obviously from the capitol, walks up onto the stage. I think I heard someone say her name was Shawna, who is wearing a very long and flowing white gown that shimmers, sparkles, and glows under the lights for the television crews, if that is even possible (which apparently it is).
"Greetings everyone!" she begins to talk, "And may I also say, happy Hunger Games!!!"
I think I am going to puke.
"We all know why I am here, and we are going to start that right away! Ladies first!" she trills.
Walking over to the big glass ball containing the girls names. She fishes around for a second before finding one she decided was the right one. She walks, actually almost floats back to the podium. No one is breathing, as she reads the name aloud. All anyone is thinking is: "Will it be me?" or in the parents cases: "Will my child be the one sent to die?".

Shawna reads the name, "Maylee Dumark!"
Oh. No. That. Did. Not. Just. Happen.
Oh but it did...
I feel rachele's grip on my arm tighten. I hear someone scream, was that my mother and sister, or me?? As soon as they figure out who I am, peacekeepers come and half drag, half carry me up to the stage and help me mount the steps.
I am standing next to Shawna unable to move or even hear what is happening. I look out to the crowd and see my mother being held back, and even though I really can't hear right now, I think she is screaming. Clinging to my mothers leg stands my sister, eyes red and puffy, face with red blotches.

I am vaguely aware that Shawna had walked over to the other glass ball and had returned. I bring myself to the present enough to hear the name she calls. "Michael Monroe!" Do I know a Michael Monroe? I don't think I do, but then I see him, wheeling up to the stage. Yes, wheeling, because Michael Monroe is in a wheelchair. How is he supposed to participate in the games? He can't even stand up!
But seconds later I get an answer. Because as he makes his way to the stage, someone else yells something. But it isn't like a scream, more like very loud talking. What is it saying?
"I volunteer!" Who just said that? I search the crowd for this nameless boy. Then I see him walking up the steps to take Michael Monroe's place not only on the stage, but also the games.
Michael looks as though he might start crying, as he starts saying what sounds to be "thank you". But I cannot be sure, because I am too focused on who came to take his place, because when Shawna asks him his name, he replies strongly and in a steady voice: "Lerom Jubiel"
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY!! Reaping! (not yay for Lerom and Maylee, but still yay)
Like that turn of events? Anyone see that coming? I hope not because then I would be too predictable... ;)

To Dea x or anyone else who wants to help:
Any ideas for the arena? Or the Interview outfit? If so I would love to hear them!! :D

And PLEASE comment!!! If you could see me I would get down on my knees and BEG!!! :?