Status: Updating slowly

Let The Games Begin!

Training Day 1

"May... Maylee!" a voice brings me back into consciousness.
"hmmmmm?" I mumble, bringing my face up from my pillow to see Lerom looking down at me.
"Shawna says the it's time to get up for breakfast."
I yawn and stretch before mumbling an 'ok'. He leaves my room so I Quickly head to the bathroom attached to my room. Stripping down I get into the shower and turn on the warm water and stand under the steady stream, slowly waking up. After I do what I must in the shower I get dressed in the outfit sitting at the foot of my bed. I pull my slightly wet hair into a pony tail and move to examine myself in the full length mirror hanging on the wall near the door. I was wearing a deep purple tank top along with some black leggings, matched with a pair of black shoes. After deciding that I look fine I open my door and head down the hall to the dining room. Lerom and Shawna were there already with plates in front of them. Shawna was dressed in her usual white robe-like dress and Lerom was wearing a dark green tee shirt and black shorts along with similar shoes to mine.
"Hey May!" Lerom calls with a smile on his face.
"Hi," I reply, a smile spreading across my own face.
"Hello deary!" Shawna chirps.
"So what are we doing today?" I ask.
"today is going to be the first of your three training days. You will be able to practice any skills you already posses and learn new ones prior to being in the arena."
"Oh, ok..." and with that we all dig into our breakfast. We were all served waffles with white powder sprinkled on top along with a sweet, whipped, airy substance of some sort, along with some fresh cut strawberries. And we were given the choice if three different drinks, orange juice, coffee, or water. Both Lerom and I took the orange juice while Shawna chose the coffee.
After we had all finished, we walked to the elevator. Shawna didn't enter the elevator, instead she told us which button to press and sent us on our way. Us being from District 1, it was a very short elevator ride and when the doors opened, we were in a giant training room. There were countless battle stations with hundreds of weapons lining the walls and also survival stations. I see a camouflage station, an edible plants station, and a fire starting station, all of which I will need to spend an adequate amount of time at. The tributes from Districts 2, 4, and 7 are here already, but we came early so everyone else still has about 20 minutes to get here do I sit and talk with Lerom for a while. Soon enough all of the tributes are here and the head instructor calls us all to gather round.
"Welcome tributes to the training center. You will train and practice here for the next three days. On the third day, you will each be individually judged on your abilities and will be given a score that will be seen by all of Panem. Placed around the center are different stations to help you learn about hand to hand combat, battling with weapons, and survival skills. You may not engage in battle with any other tribute, there are instructors present at each station to practice with if you choose. Any questions?, you are free to go!"
Everyone kind of looks around before heading to a station. Lerom and I decide to stick together and head over to the knife throwing station. We practiced this back in District 1, so we can hit the bulls eye or just barely miss it every time. After about 20 minutes of throwing and getting some pointers from the trainers we both can hit the bulls eye perfectly every time and decide to move on to the next station, archery. Lerom and I each grab a bow and a sheath of arrows and head over to the firing range. Lerom is a complete natural at this station. He is biting the inner rings the first couple times he shoots then hits all bulls eyes afterwards...I in the other hand am struggling with the stiffness of the bow and keep missing the targets completely.
"need some help there?" I turn around to find District 2 boy smirking at me.
"And why so generous 2?"
"Oh, you know, wouldn't be any fun if no one could fight back." he smiles.
I roll my eyes and he steps up behind me and places his hand over mine.
"Now relax your shoulders," I do, "and use your mouth as an release." the arrow flies straight and true and hit the inner most ring. I couldn't believe it. I turn around to face 2.
"Thanks 2." he chuckles.
"No problem 1," he glances over my shoulder and his face falls slightly, "See you 'round," he says before winking and walking away. I turn around and see Lerom glaring at 2's back as he walks away. I shoot him a look and his eyes snap back to me before he suggests that we move on.
"Where do you want to go next?" I ask him. He surveys the training center carefully.
"How about we go practice with the swords?" he suggests.
I mumble a 'sure' and we make our way to the other end of the room. The only other person at this station is the girl from 7 who is sparing with one of the trainers. Two other trainers approach us as we enter the station. They help us choose a weapon and then practice with us.
I was doing pretty well. I was just about to "finnish him off" (by poking him in the chest above his heart which doesn't hurt because they wear special Capitol-made armor) when a bell rings and the head instructor leads us into a late dining hall right off of the training center.
There are carts stationed around the room so we all just assume it's a "self serve" lunch. I travel to all of the different carts, piling my plate high with fruit, different meats, and two bowls of different soups and then with my tray in one hand, I use the other to grab a cup of water.
"Hey 1! Over here!" I lift my head at the familiar voice only to find District 2 sitting at one of the many tables. The boy from earlier is waving me over. I glance over at Lerom, who has appeared beside me and nudge my head in their direction. He looks uneasy so I roll my eyes and start over there, Lerom quickly joining me as I pull out one of the free chairs.
The girl seems to be sizing me up while the boy just sits there smirking at me.
"Hello," I say after a long awkward silence. I then mentally slap myself for saying the most lame thing ever.
"You know what? I'm just going to cut to the chase! We-" he gestures to himself and his district partner "-think that we would all survive loner if we formed an alliance.", he was straight forward...another long silence settles upon us as I glance over at him with a questioning look. He looks apprehensive, but eventually gives a small nod.
"We're in!" I say, turing back to the others, "Anyone else being recruited?"
"We are thinking about District 4..." the girl says. I had seen 4 at a few stations and they both seemed to be pretty handy with a lot of the weapons, especially the tridents, but that can be expected since they are from the fishing district.
"Yeah, they seem like a good choice..."
We all finish eating and return back to the training center. The rest of the day is spent going through the different combat stations, only this time with a group of four, not two.
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Hey guys!! Sorry for such a long wait! But truth be told that as much as I don't want to admit it...I forgot about this...but its not my fault because I just started school (my first year of High School actually) and I've had WAY more homework than usual because I'm doing a bunch of honors and AP classes...soooo anyway you can all thank Jar Of Hearts; because she is why I rushed home and typed this up!!
Oh and a special thanks to:
adventure time
for recommending this story!! <3
Oh and I will hopefully be updating more regularly now so keep a look out for that!! <3
And a big thank you to all my readers/commenters/recommenders I LOVE YOU ALL!!