Our Perfect Love Story

And I'll Check The Sun State Out

I turned around slowly, so I wouldn’t induce a massive dizzy spell. I saw a tall figure in the light provided by the fire, it was a man. That I could tell by the voice.

“Hi.” I said slowly.

“Can I sit down?”

“Sure, it’s not my log.” I responded as he plopped down beside me. Now that he was closer, I could make out the contours of his face. He was well tanned, and he had prominent cheek bones.

“I’m Noel.” He said, he put his hands closer to the fire.


“Well, Cara. I don’t think I’ve seen you around.” He turned to look at me.

“Me and my friends just graduated. We’re visiting for the summer.”

“Congrats. I graduated last year, I know how exciting it can be.”

“It is, yes. What do you do?” I asked cautiously.

“I’m currently between jobs.” He smiled.

“What happened?”

“I quit, I didn’t like the job and the pay sucked. So I decided, why not enjoy the summer? I don’t want to be tied down, or working all the time.”

I decided not to ask him how he was planning on paying the bills, although it was nagging at me. I was silent, staring into the fire.

“Where are you from, Cara?” He folded his hands in front of him and put his elbows on his knees.

“A deadbeat town in Oregon.” I smiled and laughed, to let him know I was joking, even though I wasn’t all the way.

“Really. Sounds entertaining.”

“Oh it is. Yeah, every weekend there are a bunch of the local dad and their kids falling out of the bar.”

His laugh echoed around the bonfire, and off the sand dunes. My own little laugh was automatically hidden behind my hand, a habit I had had for my whole life.

“Your joking right?”

“Of course I’m joking! I live in the suburbs, where nothing bad ever happens.”

“I do too, that’s why it was seemed so funny, because it was so unordinary to me.”

I just laughed again, earning myself a, “Your cute when you try to hide behind your hands.”

I’d gotten this my entire life, so my response was well written and simple. “Thank you.”

“Your very welcome.” He nudged his knee against mine, and I softly elbowed him in the ribs in return. “Ouch!” He pouted.

I laughed at him, and he called me mean. I stuck my tongue out at him and we both erupted into a spurt of giggles.

As our laughter faded away, I looked around. I noticed for the first time, that the group of laughing people faded into a bunch of little groups talking around the fire, like Noel and I. I saw Sammy and Lisa across the fire talking with two guys, and Lisa caught my eye. She smirked at me and threw me a knowing look. I shrugged my shoulders, in a ‘What?’ kind of a way. My gaze slid to Noel, who was looking around in the same fashion I was. I took in everything about him, from his khaki shorts to his long dark hair, curling out on the ends.

“Do you want to go somewhere?” Noel whispered suddenly, looking up.


“Anywhere quiet, I want to get to know you better.”

“Well, I’m not from here, so I don’t know anywhere.” I reminded him.

“You’re right.” I looked at him, and leaned into his side, my leg touching his.

“I know just the spot!” He burst out, causing several eyes to turn towards us.

“Sorry.” He said to them all.

“Okay, stay here. I need to tell my friends I’m leaving.” I stood up, and walked around the fire to them. The guys’ looked me up and down and I nudged Sammy. “I’m leaving, you guys can go back to the house whenever.”

“Why are you leaving?”

“I met a guy, we’re going somewhere to talk and get to know each other.”

“And you don’t think that that could be dangerous in any way?” She looked at me. The truth was, I hadn’t even thought of that, and now that I did I didn’t think that Noel would do that sort of thing. I don’t know why I didn’t think that, I just met the man. It was a gut feeling, and I decided I was going to follow it.

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Okay, well, I trust you. If you need anything just call.”

“I will, take care of Lisa. You know how she gets.”

“I will, have fun.” She winked at me as I turned to leave.

“Okay, I’m all set.” I walked up to him.

“Let’s go!” He smiled at me. I smiled back as we turned to walk up to the street.

“Wanna tell me where we’re going?” I asked as we walked down the sidewalk, arms swinging.

“Nah, I think I leave it as a surprise.”

“Come on! I hate surprises!” I stopped walking, and pretended to pout. He turned around and walked back to me. He grabbed my hand pulling me forward.

“It’ll be fine, you’ll survive.” He said as we continued walking, now hand in hand down the street.
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Criticism is wanted