Our Perfect Love Story

And As The Days Passed, We Grew Closer

The next day, Noel called me. He said he got my number from one of his friends, the one who was hanging out with Sammy or Lisa. He asked me out to dinner, and we talked for hours. Later that night he kissed me goodnight, it was our first kiss. And like they say in books, there were sparks.

Throughout the next weeks, Noel and I grew closer. Way closer, I had told him things I hadn’t told anyone. I don’t know what made me share these things with him. Maybe it was the thought that after this summer, I was never going to see him again.

One morning, two weeks before I had to leave he stopped by the house. Telling me he had a surprise for me, and that I had to get dressed that instant. I laughed, as we ran out the door into the dewy morning. He opened the door to a rusty Jeep. “Where’d you get the car?”

“What do you mean? I’ve had it.” He answered when he got in, he started the car and drove toward the beach.

“You mean to tell me, you have had a car this whole time and we’ve been walking everywhere?”

“A little exercise never killed anybody, and besides you learned a lot more about this city than you would have in a car, am I right?” He winked, and I laughed. The sun was slowly lighting up the sky, and in the soft light of the morning, Noel looked like a God. His dark long hair, blowing in the breeze from the window. His light blue eyes shining brightly. His tanned skin basking in the light. His muscled arms and hands holding the steering wheel. His smile, lighting up my world.

“What?” He asked, looking over at me.

“Nothing.” I smiled, “It’s just, you look so nice. Just sitting there, not doing anything.”

“Oh Baby, I could say the same to you.”


We pulled to a stop at the beach. We got out of the car, and Noel pulled a blanket from the trunk. He grabbed my hand and led me to a path. I slid off my flip flops, and we walked a ways in the cool sand. We stopped short of a tall, leaning palm tree. Noel threw the blanket down on the sand and sat down. He gestured for me to do the same. I leaned against his chest, as he leaned against the tree. It was quiet while I listened to his heart pump the blood through his veins, in rhythm to the waves crashing on the shore.

“I don’t want to go back.”

“I don’t want you to go back.” Noel whispered.

“We’ll keep in touch right?” I asked earnestly, turning my head up to look at him.

“Of course, I wouldn’t even dream of not staying in touch with a gorgeous girl like you.”

“Aw your sweet.”

“Your beautiful.”

I smiled, and it was quiet for a minute before I stood up. “Come on, let’s go play in the water.”

“Your crazy! It’s gonna be freezing!”

“Oh, live a little! When was the last time you did anything spontaneous and stupid, just to do it?” I said loudly, as I walked backwards away from him, towards the Ocean.

He stood there, looking at me with his blue eyes. Deep like the sea. He slowly walked towards my taking off his shirt, and then he reached me. He placed his hands on my hips and his lips on my mouth. He pulled away to soon and rushed to the wet sand bordering the cold water. I rain after him, and jumped on his back. My laugh burst out of me, followed by his. My hands covered his eyes, “Are you gonna go in, or not?” My voice taunted him.

“Not if I can’t see!” He smiled his sideways smirk, laughing. I slid one hand up, into his hair.

“Better?” I asked, he stood just out of the way of the rushing water.

“Not quite. All the way, honeybuns.”

I smirked at his nickname, and moved my other hand. I leaned forward, putting my chin on his shoulder, letting my hands dangle down his bare chest.

“Ready or not, here we come!” He yelled before running into the Ocean.

I screamed as the waves hit my legs, the freezing water covering every inch of my body as Noel bravely kept going.

“You asked for it, remember that babe!”

“It’s so cold!” I shivered, my fingers gripping his skin.

“I told you so!” He grabbed my upper arm, and pulled me and my sopping clothes around, so we were facing each other. My legs still wrapped tightly around his waist, we stood neck high in the cold water.

“Can we go?” My body shaking violently. He turned around and started walking up out of the freezing water. He walked up to our area, next to the tree and picked up the blanket. He set me on my feet and I stood shivering. He shook as much sand off the blanket and grabbed his shirt from its spot on the edge of the tree.

“Do you want to change into my shirt? It’s dry.”

“Sure.” I managed. He held the blanket around me as I took off my soaking shirt. I put his dark blue t-shirt, glad for the warmth. When he noticed I was done, he wrapped the blanket tightly around my body. He put his hand behind my neck and pulled me to his chest. We stood like that while I tried to stop shivering, when a thought dawned on me. “How are you not shaking?”

“I live by the Ocean, I swim in it nearly everyday. I’m slightly immune, I guess you could say.”

I wrapped the blanket around his body, not caring if he was ‘immune’. I put my head against his chest, and my arms around his waist. I stepped closer, trying to share his warmth.