Status: ON-GOING.

You Wound Me, Styles

Caroline Flack

“Harry told me about you,” Louis said, sweeping his eyes over my whole appearance as if he was judging me by my cover. “He said you were a good friend of his.”

His expression was paved with so much cordiality that I couldn’t help but trust him.

I blurted out, “We actually hate each other, kind of.”

Louis blinked, a little astounded, then laughed.

“Sure you do, sweet cheeks.”

He pushed through a crowd of tightly packed people, not looking back as if he already knew I would follow him, which of course I did.

“Where are we going?” I asked, squeaking a little as an unknown elbow accidentally poked me.

He didn’t exactly answered my question, just said, “Harry knows you’re here, love.”

And that seemed to explain everything then.

We walked in perfect tandem for a while, until we’d reached a door that led to a private room. As soon as the door opened, I didn’t know whether to gasp, run, blink, breath, or all of the above, because we saw Harry and Caroline Flack doing something that was supposed to be private.

I chose to gasp loudly, which was enough to interrupt the couple from their business. I saw Harry redden as his head quickly perked up towards my direction.

Louis’ reaction, which I couldn’t help but admire, was very stoical, as if he was very much used to it.

“Oops,” Louis said, gradually smiling, then slammed the door shut.

After a minute of astonishment, we laughed, and I was clapping with hysteria.

“His face!” Louis screamed. “Harry’s face was priceless!”

“Did you know that they were gonna be inside there?” I asked, scarcely taking in oxygen.

“Yeah,” he giggled.

“You magnificent bastard.”

I knew then that Louis was going to be easy to get along with.

After a minute or so, Harry slipped out of the room and asked to have a little talk with Louis.

I was basically left to kind of eavesdrop by accident. It was then when a womanly voice made me jump by asking, "So you and Harry used to be close friends?"

I yelped, "Oh, hi!"

And then I just ran away; that was all.


At some point in the day, I ended up snoozing in my bathtub, which resulted in me somewhat waking up by drowning, thrashing my limbs around, and inhaling a lungful of water.

I was fine, but what made me scream was when Harry scuttled to my bathroom, opening the door and asking, "Are you okay?!"

I threw a shampoo at him. "What are you doing in my bathroom?"

He ducked and quickly covered his eyes with his hands.

"I'm not looking! I was knocking on your door several times, but you weren't answering, and I badly needed to get my blazer!"

"You have keys to my bedroom?!"

"Everyone does!"


"I mean, me and Gemma do," he explained.

"Out of this room, Harry," I sighed, and he shuffled outside by groping the walls. I had nimbly risen from the tub and worn bathrobe by then.

However, Harry re-entered the bathroom as quickly as he had tried to exit.

"Why did you—" I was about to question, but then he locked his arms around me to prevent me from moving, covering my lips.

"Shh." He said it very silently that I almost did not catch it.

I immediately figured out why he quieted me, seeing as I heard thrumming footsteps in my bedroom.

"I'll get Arabelle," I heard Gemma say.

"I just wanted to invite her," a voice that sounded very much like Caroline's replied lightly.

"Hold on, I'll check the bathroom." Harry and I both clung to each other, panicked, as we heard Gemma's strides nearing us.

Gemma's reaction of seeing me and Harry tangled in each others' arms consisted of shock, shock, shock, and shock. She instantly closed the door behind her, well more like slammed, and disclosed, "She's not in there, either. Maybe she's out to eat some pastries or something."

"Oh, I see."

When we were sure that they were both out of the room, Harry and I were finally able to take in a lungful of air and unraveled from each others' grasps.

"Why were you hiding from Caroline?" I furrowed my brows.

Harry was shaking his head when he slowly answered, "If she'd known I was in your room, what do you think she'll assume we're doing?"

"We're just friends."

Harry was about to answer back to that, but then he quickly pursed his lips and mumbled a, "You're right."

Then he left the room.