Status: Sorry to those who have read a variation of this story called Live and Let Live. This is a revised version.

Love Just Is

Part Seven- Uncontrollable: VII

It takes all my strength to walk out of that room. I have to grind my teeth together and clench my fists as I leave her room. I can feel her eyes boring into me until I round the corner and head for the room that Annabeth, Sienna and I are sharing. Annabeth is in there, but Sienna isn’t. Theresa is feeding Sienna downstairs. Annabeth looks up when I enter. I close the door behind me and sigh.
“Did you hear that” I ask. She nods her head softly.
“I’m sorry Henry,” she whispers. I smile at her and sit down.
“It had to happen. We can’t be together,” I whisper. I look at Annabeth and her pretty hair, now long and down her back from the months of not cutting it. It looks pretty, but I liked it shorter. This style just reminds me of Ivory.
“We can be together, Henry. We’re meant to be together,” Annabeth says. Her voice is soft and scared, almost as if I’ll reject her, but from the moment I realized she was a vampyre, I realized that fate had stepped in.
“Annabeth, we have time. I just need some time right now. Ivory has changed me and I just need time to forget her. We have so much time,” I whisper. Annabeth smiles, but it’s sad. She stands up and leans down to kiss me. It’s a soft sweet kiss that makes me heart warm. I kiss her back, but it’s only a short little kiss. She smiles at me.
“I will wait as long as you need, Henry,” she says. I smile at her and kiss her cheek softly. She straightens up and walks slowly out the door. And I watch her go slowly and wish that I could love Annabeth as much as I know I love Ivory.
Just as I get up, I hear a scream. Theresa’s voice pierces the night as she screams. There are no words, just this scream that tells me something is terribly wrong.