Status: We'll see where this goes...

Bad Habits

Anyone but John. Anyone. Please, for the love of God, anyone. John O'Callaghan. I've known him since Kindergarten. We used to play together all the time as little kids. Our parents have known each other since high school. They were best friends. I haven't shared a look with him since we were five. I was completely head over heals for this boy. But I know how he is. He's a complete and total jackass. All he ever does is drink and sleep around and party. I knew damn well. His house was a few down from mine. I clawed at my desk, my eyes wide and psychotic. Kennedy grabbed my shaking hand after a moment and held on to it, rubbing the top of my hand with his thumb.
"Calm down," he whispered, and I took a deep breath, as if that would get rid of the shallowness in my lungs.