Status: We'll see where this goes...

Bad Habits

I'll be by your side until the end

It was our first day back at school from Spring Break. My alarm clock went off, and I groaned. I turned it off and sat up in bed, running a hand through my hair before going into my bathroom for a shower. When I got done, I dried off, then got dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a white v neck. I brushed my teeth, then used mouth wash, not bothering with my damp hair. After slipping on my Vans, I headed downstairs and grabbed something to eat, before grabbing my backpack and keys and going out to my truck.

I pulled up into Kat's drive way, and she, Kennedy and Nicole walked out together. Nicole and Kennedy got into Kennedy's car, while Kat jumped in next to me, giving me a sweet kiss on the cheek.
"Good morning, beautiful."
I greeted, and she smiled.

"Where's Eric?"
She asked, and I shrugged.
"Either he drove himself, his mommy drove him, or he took the bus."
"Or, knowing Eric, he's skipping."
"He could be skipping."
I agreed, nodding with a small smile.

When we got to school, I hurried over to Kat's side and opened the door for her, standing on my toes to give her a kiss. She smiled and leaned down to me, giving me a quick peck on the lips, before grabbing my hand and hoping out of my truck. She closed the door, and I pushed her up against my truck, kissing her again. I slid my tongue into her mouth as she pulled me closer by my neck, and I laid my hands on her hips. We pulled away after a couple minutes, and she smiled, lacing her fingers with mine as we walked up to the school building.

When the bell had rang, I walked Kat to her first class like usual. As I was on my way to my class, the halls nearly empty, a girl turned the corner. She was tall, lean, and had a noticeably large chest. She had long, wavy blonde hair and blue eyes. I almost stopped in my tracks just to catch a breath. I've never seen her around here before.

"Um, could you help me find my class?"
She asked, and I snapped out of my daze, and gave a smile.
"Yeah, sure."
I said with a smile, looking at the paper she was holding out. I led her through the hallway, then down another hallway to the classroom she was looking for.
She smiled, and I nodded, before hurrying back down the hallway to my own class.

As I sat in my first period that day, that girl was the only thing I thought about. Her eyes, her lips, her curves, her boobs, her ass. Everything. Her golden tan skin perfectly commented her bleach blonde hair. She was gorgeous.

Although, Kat's eyes were better, that's probably the only thing that could have been better than that other girl. Kat's curves probably prevail as well.

'Comparing the love of my life to a new girl I've said two words to. Yeah, I'm totally not a fucking douche.'

I thought, staring down at my notebook that had my hand writing scribbled down the page.

When the bell rang, I shoved my stuff back into my binder and practically ran out of my room to meet Kat.

"I love you."
I said as soon as I walked up to her, wrapping my arm around her neck and holding her close to me.
"I love you, too...?"
She said, giving me a questioning look.
"I just... I... I haven't said it in a while."
I lied, and she raised an eyebrow, obviously not convinced.
She mumbled, and I let out a breath, before walking her to her second period.


Chemistry came around, so Kat, Kennedy, Nicole and I walked in together and sat in our regular spots, me next to Kat, and Nicole and Kennedy sitting together behind us. We were working on our warm up, when I looked up at the board, but my vision was blocked by the blonde beauty from this morning. I nearly screamed, then looked down, rubbing my eyes.

"Are you okay?"
Kat asked, rubbing my shoulder and I looked up helplessly into her eyes.
"I'm fine."
I choked out and she furrowed her brow.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I just... I don't feel to good."
I said, my stomach knotting up.
"I'll make you some soup when we get home, and we can lay down and watch a movie."
I sighed, giving a small smile.

After the bell had rang, our old science teacher waddled up into the front of the class with his clipboard, taking roll. When he finished, he announced that we would have another project, with assigned partners again. He put Nicole and Kennedy together, and Kat and myself together like last time.

"Oh, what's this? We have a new student? Well, we can have one group of three. What about you, Kat and John, would you like to work with our new student..."
He trailed off, looking at her.
She stated.
He repeated, looking at us.
"Of course, no problem!"
Kat said happily, and I clenched my jaw, my eyes fixed on the board in front of us.
"That's okay, right babe?"
She asked quietly, nudging me gently.
"Yeah, it's fine."

After class, Kat stood and walked right over to Alyssa.
"Dammit, child, sit your ass down."
I mumbled, closing my eyes with a sigh and standing up.

"Hi, I'm Kat, and that's John."
Kat greeted happily with her big smile.
"Hi, I'm Alyssa."
She answered, smiling back. I walked up and stood beside Kat.
"Hey, John, thanks for walking me to my class earlier."
She said, and I glanced up at her, giving a smile.
"No problem."
"Aww, you walked her to class? How sweet."
Kat smiled, and I shrugged, running my hand through my hair.
"Kat, I really don't feel good."
I mumbled, and she frowned.
"Okay, come on, sweetheart. Bye, Alyssa!"
She said, rubbing my back as we walked out.

"Can we go to the gardens, I need some fresh air."
I said, and she nodded as we swerved through the packed high school hallways.

When we got out there, I went and laid down on the hill, closing my eyes. Kat came and sat next to me, running her fingers in the grass.

After school, we walked out together, our fingers linked together, and headed to my truck. I threw my stuff in the back and started the truck up.

Once we were home, I sauntered up to my door, unlocking it and opening it, going straight to my couch and laying down, face first. Kat closed the door and went to the kitchen, pulling out a sauce pan and a couple cans of chicken noodle soup.

As it cooked, she came over and rubbed my back as my eyes closed.
"Will you give me a massage?"
I asked in a mumble, and she smiled, before crawling on top of me, sitting on my legs as she moved her hands up and down my back, working the knots out of my muscles while I moaned.

After a short while she got up and went to the kitchen and filled a bowl full of soup, then brought it to me. I sat up and moved to the floor, my legs under the coffee table as I hunched over the bowl, gulping the soup down. Kat sat behind me and ran her hands through my hair, before moving them to my shoulders and starting to massage them again. When I finished, I sat the bowl down and wiped my mouth with my sleeve before looking up at Kat.

"You're the best."
I said and she smiled. I kissed her, then pushed her onto her back, laying on top of her. I closed my eyes, wanting to just sleep forever.

What seemed like only short minutes later, my mother and father walked in the front door.
"He's sleeping."
I heard Kat whisper, before I felt my mothers comforting, gentle touch on my forehead, her lips replacing her hand after a moment. I didn't bother opening my eyes, and drifted off to sleep again.

When I was awoken again, it was pitch black in my house.
"John, let the poor girl go home. You've been sleeping on her for hours."
I heard my mothers voice, and Kat's chuckle.
"No. Kat, come upstairs with me."
I mumbled, stumbling to my feet. I grabbed Kat's hand and pulled her upstairs with me, before collapsing on my bed again.

"You must be exhausted, you poor baby."
She said, and I grunted, before taking my shirt off and pulling her down next to me.
"I love you."
I mumbled as I buried my face into her neck.
"I love you, too."
She whispered, rubbing my back as she kissed my head. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her body even closer, before kissing her neck a couple times.
"You're the best. Thank you for being lazy with me."
I said, and she chuckled.
"Any time, sweetheart."
I started to slowly run my fingers up and down her waist, before eventually up under her shirt.

"John, what are you doing?"
She asked as I tugged on her shirt.
"Take it off."
I whined in a groan, and she slapped at my hands.
"Your parents are downstairs, I'm not getting undressed."
I carried on, looking up into her eyes.
"No, John. Jenny will flip out if she comes to wake us up in the morning and we don't have clothes on."
"But it'll make me feel better."
I tried, and she raised her eyebrow with pursed lips.
"John Cornelius O'Callaghan, I will go home."
"Katherine Annette Johansen, please take your clothes off and love me."
"Please, please, please, please, please, please, please?"
"Oh, my gosh, you asshole!"
She groaned, and I gave a big smile as she sat up.

As she started to take her shirt off, I slapped her hands away.
"What now?"
She snapped, and I kissed her. When we parted, I lifted her shirt up over her head and threw it to the side. I laid kisses all the way down her neck, then moved to her chest, before unbuttoning her jeans and pulling them off. As I stared down at her half naked body, I compared her every curve with Alyssa's.

'Alyssa has bigger boobs. Alyssa has tanner skin. Alyssa has more beautiful hair.'

I thought, then closed my eyes, burying my head in her neck.
"Kat, I love you."
"I love you, too."

She sat up, then leaned in and kissed me, pushing me onto my back. She unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them off, throwing them on the floor where her clothes were, then kissed me again. I grabbed her hips, and she sat down on my hips. I smiled, knowing she could feel me through her panties, before sitting up a little and kissing her again. She gave a soft moan into my mouth, and I moved my hands to her back, unhooking her bra and pulling it off. As I pushed her back onto her back, I cupped a hand around her breast, squeezing a little, and she closed her eyes, letting out another small moan.

After a minute, she grabbed my hand and sat up a little.
"We shouldn't be doing this."
She breathed, and I grinned, kissing her.
"Why not?"
"Your parents... They'll find out."
"Come on, it's alright."
"No, it's not. Jenny will shit fucking bricks, and tell my mom and my mom will be pissed and my dad will want to murder you. You don't even have condoms, do you?"
"No. I should really get some, huh?"
"Ya' think?"
She said sarcastically, reaching for her bra. She slipped it back on, and hooked the back, before leaning up and kissing me. She grabbed my hands and pulled me down on top of her, wrapping her arms around me. I smiled, closing my eyes, and resting my head on her chest. She ran her fingers through my hair and hummed until I fell asleep.

Kat is so perfect, why would I ever want to think about being with someone else. Especially Alyssa, the new girl. She's the complete opposite of Kat. Kat's awkward, but beautiful, and elegant in her own way, while Alyssa is just sexy. Yes, I think Kat is sexy, but she's also cute, and beautiful and gorgeous and everything I'd ever need. Alyssa could probably never make me feel the way Kat makes me feel. When I'm with Kat, it feels like I'm floating on a cloud, that everything is just a perfect dream. I've already hurt her once, I don't want to hurt her again, because if I do, I might loose her for good, which means she'll go to Kennedy, or find someone else who isn't good enough. I can't let that happen. She's too precious to me. I need to stop thinking about Alyssa. She's not important to me compared to Kat.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: The End - Mayday Parade

Major drama bomb was just dropped in my personal life right now. I can't even. uggghhh

Thanks for reading, I appreciate you all! Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and comments are much appreciated! Tell me what you think of Alyssa!