Love, I'd Never Hurt You



I watched, a smile on my face, as the man's body fell to the ground. I had no idea who he was or what he did that made people want him dead. All I knew was that it was my job to kill him, and I did just that.

I leaned back in the chair. There was a sense a pride that came with each new body. It told me that I was doing the right thing, that this was the life I was supposed to have. I had never felt bad or guilty of murder, only pride and accomplishment.

I sat there, enjoying the feeling. It was like a drug for me. Killing people that had no idea death was coming, watching the life drain from their pathetic bodies. In a few days, I knew I would be doing this all over again. Someone else would see something or hear something that they shouldn't and I would be the guy to take them out. I smiled at the thought.

After a few minutes of silence, I packed up my things and headed downstairs. Without stopping at the front desk, I hurried outside the building and found my car. I had parked it a few blocks away at a restaurant. I had just started my car and was driving away when I heard the police sirens. I knew they were headed for the crime scene. I couldn't help but smile, knowing they would never be able to pin the murder on me. As far as the world was concerned, I was just an ordinary man, living an ordinary life.

After about thirty minutes, I was pulling into what was becoming my usual parking space in the warehouse district. This was the third hit in a row I had executed for the same people. I had done jobs for them before, but never this many in a row. I shrugged, I mainly did it because I liked the money. They paid me well, because I was the best around. That's why they wanted me to permanently join their team.

As I made my way into the main building, I noticed that the two guards that almost always greeted me were no longer there. This was strange, everyone inside was completely unprotected. Anyone could walk in and discover the illegal operations going on inside. I shook my head, and pushed open the main door.

As usual, the place looked deserted. After a quick look around, I found my two guard friends standing out side their boss's office. Something very important must be going on behind that door. I approached the guards, “What's going on in there?

They looked at each other before the smaller one responded, “Boss is making a contract with some new guy. The offer he gave you, let's just say he gave it to someone else.”

I wondered who was stupid enough to sign on to work for this place. Every good killer knew that you always keep moving. You never do too many jobs for the same person. You end up making mistakes and getting caught that way.

I sighed, “I'm here to pick up my money.”

The guards were about to say something else when the door opened. From the back, I didn't recognize the man standing in the door frame, but as soon as he turned around I wished I could disappear. It was Jimmy.

For what felt like forever he stood there, studying me. I couldn't help but stare at him. It was hard to believe that the man I had spent so long trying to avoid, that I had tried to kill, was now standing in front of me. I felt my gaze being drawn to his eyes. They were the same I eyes I looked into as I shoved a knife in his neck. I shuddered at the memory.

He smirked, walking past me. “Gerard.”

I swallowed. He just said my name. This was crazy. I knew he was planning my murder right now. I wanted nothing more than to run away screaming. I would pack all my things and run far away, to a place where he could never find me. And then I thought about Frank. I couldn't just leave him here, especially not if Jimmy put a watch on me. I would just take Frank with me.

Somehow I managed to find my voice, “Jimmy.”

He nodded at me as he continued out the main doors. I felt chills run down my spine. I let out a breath as the boss led me into his office. I stood in the door frame, and just stared at him while he grabbed a suitcase full of money and handed it to me.

As soon as the case was safely in my grasp, I turned to leave. Behind me I heard the boss say, “It really is a shame that you didn't take my offer. I would have loved to have you.”

I didn't stop moving, I just continued out the main doors and to my car. I threw the suitcase in the back seat and started my car. Still trying to process everything that had just happened. If Jimmy had signed a contract with those people. Then he was planning on staying around for a while.

I was about halfway home before I started to calm down. Whenever Jimmy tried to attack, I would be ready. I wasn't going down without a fight. I wasn't just going to let him kill me. I was just as good, if not a better hit man than him. I could take him out easily.

Something deep down inside of me, twisted in pain at the thought of killing Jimmy. Even though I had almost killed him once, it was still a hard thing to think about. Jimmy had been my best friend, and I threw everything away because I wanted to be the best. I didn't want any competition. I knew I had to kill him, but it wouldn't be easy. Unlike before, he had the upper hand.