Love, I'd Never Hurt You



The last thing I remember is Jimmy looking down at me after he stabbed me in the shoulder. I remember him saying, “You left me to die, I'm leaving you to die.” Then he spit on me and walked out of the room. After that I must have passed out.

When I finally woke up again, my whole body was in pain. My face hurt from being punched, my ribs hurt from being kicked, my head hurt because of all the alcohol, and most importantly my shoulder hurt from the knife that was sticking out of it.

For a second, all I could do was stare at it. I couldn't believe that Jimmy had actually tried to kill me. He probably would have succeeded if he would have pulled the knife out. Thankfully for me, he left it in, causing the blood to stay mostly inside my body. There wasn't much blood anywhere. I almost smiled.

I managed to sit up, and carefully I pulled the knife out of my shoulder. All I could think about was how strange it was that Jimmy stabbed me in the shoulder. If he was really trying to kill me, he would have just killed me. Being stabbed in the shoulder doesn't kill a person, he should have known that. He must be planning something. He wanted me to survive.

Instantly I thought about Frank. He was probably in more danger now than he was before. I felt so stupid. I should have never left him. I should have lay in his bed, waiting for him to wake up and then we would spend the rest of the day together. I wanted to kick myself.

When I was sure that no blood was coming out of my wound, I stood up slowly. My head spun a little, but it didn't last long. Slowly I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. I chugged it before grabbing a piece of bread and shoving it into my mouth. I needed to get something in my stomach other than alcohol, it would at least help with the headache.

Next on my agenda was to get a new shirt. It would raise a lot of suspicion if I walked out of here wearing a bloody shirt. I found Jimmy's bedroom and searched the whole room looking for his clothes. I found a plain black shirt in the closet. I pulled off my bloody shirt and left it on his bed. I pulled on the shirt I found before leaving the suite.

I took the elevator down to the main lobby, looking everywhere for any sign of Jimmy. I was in my car heading home and there was still no sign of him. I was starting to worry. All I could do was hope that he wasn't at my apartment, that he hadn't found Frank, and that Frank was still okay.

The whole drive back to my apartment, I came up with a story to tell Frank about why I left. I hoped he would believe it.

I parked in the parking lot and looked around for any sign of Jimmy. When I didn't see any, I ran into the building. My shoulder was throbbing with pain, and I knew I should probably go to the hospital, but I would worry about that later. Right now I had to be sure Frank was okay, and I had to let him know how I felt.

I ran up the stairs, checking my shirt every once in a while to make sure blood wasn't seeping through. By the time I made it to the fourth floor, my shoulder was in so much pain, it was numb. I was just about to knock on Frank's door when it flew open, revealing Frank to me. He looked like he had been crying, and I felt miserable. I knew he had been crying because of me.

Before I could say anything he spoke, “Did you stab Joe?”

I just stared at him shocked. How did he know about that?

He crossed his arms in front of his chest, “Did you? He said you attacked him. I just want to know if you did it or not.” I could tell it was hurting him to say the words.

I shook my head. I had no idea what to say, “I have no idea what you're talking about. Of course I didn't stab Joe! I don't run around stabbing people. He must have been attacked by someone that looks like me.” I looked at Frank, pleadingly, “Frank, come on. Do I seem like the kind of person that would stab someone?”

Frank looked down at the floor, shaking his head, “I guess not.” He took a deep breath, looking up at me, “Why did you leave, Gerard? I thought I was never going to see you again.” I could hear the threat of tears in his voice.

“That's exactly what I want to talk to you about.” Before he could protest, I pushed him into his apartment and shut the door behind us, taking the time to lock it. Once we were safe in his apartment I took a deep breath, “First, I just want to say that I'm so sorry about what I did. I know it seems like I just had sex with you and then left. But, I want you to know that there is a very serious reason why I left.”

He crossed his arms, sitting down on the couch. “And what would that be?”

I could tell it would be hard to prove to him that I really didn't want to leave him forever, that I cared about him more than he realized. I sighed, running a hand through my hair. “Some very bad people want to kill me. They've wanted to kill me for a long time, but I've managed to stay hidden from them. All of a sudden they showed up and they're after me. I left because I didn't want you to get hurt.” I sat down beside him. It wasn't exactly a lie, but it wasn't the truth either.

He let his arms fall to his sides and he just looked up at me, studying me face. He was starting to believe me.

When I knew he wasn't going to say anything I kept talking, “When I left, I went to talk to them. I don't know exactly what I was planning on doing, but let's just say that it didn't end well.” I was sure he had already noticed my face. It was scratched up and bruised.

I watched as Frank extended his arm, his hand resting on my check. He must have hit a bruise because it hurt. He just shook his head, looking into my eyes, “Gerard, they could have killed you. What were you thinking?”

I placed my hand on top of his, “Honestly, I have no idea. But now I'm worried that because I went to see them that they will come after you.” I scooted a little closer to him. I stopped when our knees were touching. I leaned my head against his and looked into his eyes. “I swear if anything ever happened to you, I wouldn't know what to do with myself.”

He nodded, tears slowly falling from his eyes, “I love you.”

I smiled, “I love you.”