Love, I'd Never Hurt You



I felt terrible about lying to Frank, but I had to do it. If I told him the truth, he wouldn't want anything to do with me. In fact, he would probably call the cops and I would end up in prison for the rest of my life. So, I lied.

It wasn't completely a lie. Someone was trying to kill me, but not for the reasons Frank thinks. Some of that story was true. When I first started out, I was into drugs. It wasn't until I met Jimmy that I finally decided I needed to get clean. Jimmy had never done drugs, and he was the best in the world. That's when I knew that in order to be the best, I had to stop doing drugs.

I still felt bad about lying. If this was going to work, I would have to tell Frank everything. If he still loved me after he knew everything about me... I just smiled at the thought. Maybe I would even stop. I had enough money to retire, and then the two of us could be together forever.

I heard the TV come on in the living room, and I yawned. I was actually kind of tired. I closed my eyes and before I knew it, I was asleep.


When I finally woke up it was almost eight in the evening. It was almost perfect timing. I had a job to do tonight and I had to be across town by nine. I pulled the blanket down and inspected my bandage. I didn't think it was bleeding anymore.

I was just about to sit up when the door opened, revealing Frank. He smiled and leaned against the door frame, “I was hoping you were awake.”

I sat up slowly. The pain in my shoulder was almost unbearable, but I wasn't going to let Frank know that. Slowly, I walked over to him, “Well, here I am.”

He just shook his head, “I have to get dressed for work. I'm working the night shift, so I won't be home until two in the morning.” He pushed past me into his room. “Do you think you'll be alright until I get back?”

I nodded watching him as he rifled through the clothes in his closet. He threw me a shirt before pulling some clothes out for himself. I pulled my shirt on, “I think I can manage.”

He nodded, pulling his clothes on, “There's some macaroni in the fridge if you get hungry.” When he finished getting dressed he walked over to me and kissed me. We walked into the living room together. “If anything happens, call me. Okay?”

I just shook my head. He was worried about me, when I should be the one worried about him. “Frank, nothing is going to happen. I'll be fine.”

He nodded and walked out the door. I waited a few minutes before running across the hall into my apartment. It took me a matter of seconds to change. I practically ran down the stairs to the main lobby. Joe was standing behind the main desk. As I walked out the building, I could feel his eyes on me.

It took me about ten minutes to get to the location. The person I was working for told me everything would be ready in the room before I got there. I really hoped he was telling the truth. Sure enough when I entered the room, everything was already set up.

I sat down in the chair and picked up the gun. I knew that the victim would be home in about ten minutes. All I had to do was pull the trigger, go pick up my money, and then get back home.

While I was waiting, I checked my shirt for blood. I couldn't see any blood seeping through, and I really hoped it was done bleeding. I lifted up my shirt and checked the bandage. It looked disgusting. When I got back home I would have to change it. All the blood that had seeped through was dark, which meant it was dried.

I smiled, pulling my shirt back down. I guess I really wouldn't have to go to the hospital after all. I glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed. My latest victim would be coming home any second now.

I raised the gun and looked through the scope, waiting. The timing was perfect. As soon as I had everything situated perfectly, a man walked through the door. I waited a few seconds before pulling the trigger. It was over in a second.

I waited, watching as the man's body fell to the ground. I sighed, standing up. For some reason, I didn't get as much satisfaction out of this as I usually did. For once in my life, it felt like what I was doing was wrong. I had always known killing people was bad, but I never really gave it much thought before now. I felt like I was being disloyal to Frank, in a way. I decided that as soon as I saw him again, I would tell him everything. I would let him decide for himself if he still loved me after he knew how bad a person I was.

I could only hope that he would still love me after he learned that I killed people for a living. I knew he would probably run away, terrified. If that happened, I wouldn't know what to do. I would probably go to Jimmy and beg him to kill me. A life without Frank just wasn't worth living.
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We're so close to the end! :)
xxo, ashleynicole.