Paper Lanterns

Clean his room!

You woke up after what seemed like only five minutes. You looked over at the clock. 6:30PM. 3 and a half hours of sleep. Wow. You got up from your bed and headed downstairs. You walked into the kitchen and saw a note scribbled on a piece of paper:

Meet me by the bridge at 7.
Don't be late. - Billie Joe

You walked back into the living room where Ollie was watching a lifetime movie. (Me: yes they had lifetime back then, I'm pretty sure) "Ollie, I'm going for a walk. I'll be back soon."

"Okay dear. If you see Billie Joe tell him he needs to clean his room." Ollie said before you walked out the door. You walked off towards the bridge. It wasn't that long of a walk, twenty minutes at least. Looks like it's gonna rain...what a surprise. About twenty minutes and a helluva lot of walking later, you reached the bridge. Billie Joe wasn't there. It started to rain heavily.

"Maybe I should just knock myself out so I can talk to that dude up in Wilits again. It'd be better than talking to myself." You muttered to yourself. The rain just kept on falling harder and harder. It was dark now. You looked at your watch, carefully though, so it didn't get wet. 8:30, great. I've been here nearly an hour and a half and no sign of him. Just fucking peachy.

You started to walk back. By this time you were sure you'd catch pnuemonia if you already haven't. Your clothes were soaked. Finally you reached the house and climbed up through the window to your room. You changed into your pajamas and started working on a song that just 'hit' you whilst you were walking back home.

I'm standing on a bridge
I'm waiting in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now
There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening but there's no sound

Isn't anyone tryin to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

I'm looking for a place
I'm searching for a face
Is anybody here I know
'Cause nothing's going right
And everythings a mess
And no one likes to be alone

Isn't anyone trying to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

Oh why is everything so confusing
Maybe I'm just out of my mind
Yea yea yea

It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you
Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you
I'm with you...

You put your guitar down and worked on the flyer for Atomic Rave's acoustic set on New Year's Eve. Once finished with that, you were reminded of resolutions, so you wrote those:;

1. don't date best guy friend 'cause you'll just end up getting hurt in the end..or middle..or whatever
2. don't believe people when they say they'll do something you know they won't
3. if all else fails move to Italy (or at least with Uncle Mike)

You turned off the light and went to bed, even though you weren't the least bit tired. The next day you woke up, late. You rushed to get ready, not even bothering to put any eyeliner on like usual. You ran into the kitchen only to find a note from Ollie.

Billie Joe went to school early. Lisea called and said she wasn't feeling well and wasn't coming to school today. If you try calling Mike or John, maybe you can catch a ride with one of them.
Love, Ollie

You looked out the kitchen window. The rain was still pouring from the night before. Great. I'm gonna be late, and soaked. Perfect. Just perfect. Not even bothering to grab an umbrella, you pulled your hood over your head and trudged through the rain to school.

You got to school at 9:30. You had woken up sometime around 8:45. It was the middle of third period, also known as english class. Oh well, at least I didn't wear my eyeliner, you thought as you walked from your locker and down the desolate english wing to your class. (Me: my school does that, every science class is in one wing, etc.)

"Maria. So good of you to join us. A bit late aren't we?" Ms. Cieri said when you walked in the middle of class. You shrugged and sat down in your seat, ignoring everyone and everything around you. You were in one of your 'moods'. Probably because you forgot to take any of your meds since you were running late. (Me: meds = lithium for your bipolar disorder, ritalin for your add, and prozac for your panic disorder ...yet mixing meds can be very hazardous, or so i'm told) You stopped by the nurse's office before fourth period since she had an extra supply of your medication.

The day went by slowly but surely. You hardly talked to anyone. No one said anything though. At lunch, you just stared at your food as if you stared at it long enough it would disappear. You wish everything and everyone could disappear. Hm, these meds must not be working.. You wish you could just disappear.

"Maria." John said waving his hand in front of your face. You shook your head and snapped back to reality, but not completely. "You alright?" You shrugged and left the table. Might as well go to spanish class early.

In spanish class you only had Mike. The teacher, Mrs. De Los Santos, (Me: 'of the saints' ...puhleaseee. i hated her) put on a spanish video and most of the kids were either talking or sleeping through it. Just as you were about to take a nap you were nudged by Mike. "Maria, what's wrong. It's just me, Mike. You can tell me."

"A lot of things, Mikey boy. A lot of things." You said not realizing, or caring for the matter, that you called him 'Mikey boy'.

"Did you call me 'Mikey boy', Maria?" Mike asked. "What's wrong, seriously." You told him what happened yesterday, and by then class had ended and you couldn't take your nap.

"Thanks, Michael. Now I don't even get a nap." You say coldly picking up your books. Before exiting the classroom you heard Mike said about how he thinks he likes 'Mikey boy' better.

Science wasn't any better. You had to deal with Billie Joe trying to talk to you and Mr. Heller who constantly called on you. Everytime he called on you, you just shrugged. "Maria, can I talk to you after class?" Mr. Heller asked you after realizing he wasn't going to get anymore than a shrug from you during class. Once the classroom was empty, Mr. Heller told you to sit down at the desk in the front. "What's wrong, Maria. Something is bothering you." Again, you shrug. "Maria, I'd like something more than a shrug please."

"I don't know, and quite frankly, I could care less." You answered sharply. "Look, I'm not having a good day and I don't want to talk about it."

"Alright." Mr. Heller said writing you a late pass to math. "Just to let you know, your grade isn't going to be affected."

"Whatever." You say grabbing the pass and walking to your locker. Math class went by really quick and it wasn't too long until you were at your locker again. You still had no ride and you hoped to God you wouldn't have to walk. You didn't want Uncle Mike sending Lorenzo or any of them to pick you up and bring you home.

"Hi." John said, magically appearing at your locker. You smiled weakly. "Need a ride home?" You nodded and John took you home. "Look, don't get mad but Mike told me what happened."

"Oh?" You said with a look of shock on your face due to the fact that you actually spoke out loud.

"Yeah. Hey, you're talking. That's good." John said smiling. "Look, Billie Joe's just fucking messed up. I think it's the pot, which was my fault. Don't be mad at him. Give him another chance. The way he looks at you, Maria. He's never looked at any girl like that before. He really, really loves you. And if you love him, you'll give him another chance."

You just looked at him. John, giving me relationship advice? No way. I'd expect this from Mike but not John...The planet's must really be misaligned.

"Mike told me to tell you that." John reassured you. "But the first part about how he's messed up and that's probably from the pot, that was all from me."

"Well I'm glad that you can think after all." You say smiling as you open the car door.

"Yeah...." John said. "Hey wait a minute!"

"I'll see you around, John." You say before closing the car door and running inside.