Paper Lanterns

A Green Day

The majority of the next day was spent practicing for the show on New Year's Eve. Since you didn't have school, why not practice? the school's fucked up, making us come in for two days. how retarded. You haven't talked to Billie Joe. You just thought about what John, and Mike, said to you yesterday.

Finally New Years Eve came around. You ran bummed around all day waiting for Lisea to come by and pick you up. You noticed Billie Joe sitting on the couch and decided to jump onto the couch and watch tv with him, for the hell of it.

"Hi." You said really cheerfully. Billie looked really depressed. "You know, I think you're the one who should be taking my medicine." Still, no response. You waved a hand in front of his face, risking it though, because the last time you got bit. "Helloooo? Anyone home? Guess not." You got up and were suddenly pulled back down.

"I've missed hearing your voice." Billie Joe said.

"That's the most...cheesiest thing I've ever heard in my entire life." You say smiling. "But that's okay."

"I've missed you, a lot." Billie said kissing you.

"Excuse me, but we're over...remember?" You blurt out.

Billie just smiled. "Honey, it ain't over until the punk rocker sings."

"And she's a-singin' tonight. So it's over." You say hopping up off the couch. "Toodles."

"What the fuck?" Billie Joe says standing up.

"What?" You say looking at him sideways.

"You said 'toodles'. Where the fuck did that come from?" Billie asked laughing at the word 'toodles'. (Me: that's a funny word)

You thought for a moment. "I have no clue." Billie Joe started to walk over to you. "Look, Billie. I need some time to think. Can you give me that? And come to the show tonight."

"Alright, Maria." Billie said sitting back down on the couch. "You know I'd wait for you forever, right?"

"I know." You whisper before heading back upstairs to get your guitar. Lisea had just pulled into the driveway. You ran back downstairs and out the door.

Finally sometime around 10 o'clock the show started. You played the following songs:;
I'm With You -
Tomorrow -
Take Me Away -
Unreachable ~
Giving It All Away ~
Criminal *
Let Me Fall *
24 Hours *
I'm In Love With My Guitar *

(Me: - is avril ~ is ashlee * is alexz johnson) Little to your knowledge, Green Day was playing as well. You all went off stage and were greeted by John, Mike, and Billie Joe.

"Great as always." John said giving you a high five. "You know, we're up next."

"Actually, I didn't know." You say quite confused.

Billie Joe stood up and walked up to you. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" You nodded. Once away from everyone else, Billie took a deep breath. "Look, I saw you with Adam at lunch the other day and jumped to conclusions. I got really mad. I spent the majority of science writing a song. And well, I don't know if you'll like it 'cause like I said, I was real mad for nothing."

You took in all he said. "Alright."

"Hey, loverboy! Get your ass over here we need to set up." Mike called over to Billie Joe.

Billie Joe gave you a quick kiss on your cheek and set up.

"What was that about?" Lisea asked with her arms crossed once you came back to them.

"I don't know." You said truthfully. "Something about a song."

"No, the kiss on your cheek." Dani said.

"I don't know." You said shrugging. When Green Day was all set up and took the stage it was about 11. Your set was about 45 minutes and it took them fifteen to set up, partly because Lisea doesn't want John using her drumset. The songs they played were:;
Don't Leave Me
At the Library
Green Day
Only of You
1,000 Hours
I Want to be Alone
Going To Pasalacqua
Paper Lanterns

As they were playing 'Paper Lanterns' you were a bit confused by the lyrics. One, you didn't have another boyfriend and two, if he did miss you, why did he call what you two had an 'endless dreary time'? Interesting, very interesting. They finished their set and left the stage. Again, Mike kissed Dani which turned into a makeout session whilst you, John, Billie Joe, and Lisea pretended to be sick.

"Get a room." You said remembering when you went over Dani's house. "Oh wait, nevermind. You have already."

"Maria, shut your fucking mouth." Dani barked at you. Lisea had met up with her boyfriend Andy (Me: i liked a kid named andy. i hate him now.) whilst John met up with his girlfriend Arielle. So it was only you and Billie Joe.

"I should've talked to you about it." Billie Joe said randomly. "I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions like that."

"But you didn't." You say. "That's what got us where we are now. No where."

Uncle Mike turned on the tv (Me: yeah, the show's there..i forgot to mention it) just in time to see the countdown until 1989. "5...4...3...2...1. Happy New Year!"

You looked at Billie Joe and you two kissed. I got a New Year's kiss. Sweet. You pulled away and just looked into each other's eyes.

"So, does this mean..." Billie Joe started to say but you cut him off.

You smiled. "Yes, Billie. That's exactly what it means." He leaned in and kissed you again.

"I love you more than life itself, you know." Billie said.

"I know." You say. "I love you too. You know, you're the first guy I've ever said that to."

"Oh really?" Billie said becoming all egotistical.

"Yeah. What's with the ego?" You asked laughing.

"I don't know." Billie Joe says shrugging his shoulders. (Me: the next few lines are from the notebook) "I can be fun... if you want. Pensive, uh... smart. Superstitious, brave.. and uh.. light on my feet. I can be whatever you want. You just tell me what you want and I'll be that for you.

"You're dumb."

"...I can be that."

"You know, that was completely random." You say laughing.

"I..know." Billie responds.

"So, Maria. I guess you thought about what John told you the other day?" Mike says walking over to you and Billie Joe.

"Yup." You say smiling.

"What'd he tell you?" Billie asks.

"Well..." You begin. "He told me you were fucking messed up because of the pot which was his fault. He also said that Mike said that if I really loved you I'd give you another chance."

"Oh." Billie said. "Okay."