Paper Lanterns

Untop of me

After about four hours and twenty boxes later, you and Billie Joe were all packed and ready to move into the apartment. John, Mike, Uncle Mike, and Lorenzo came to help transport the boxes. Once inside you immediately collapsed on the couch Uncle Mike bought. (Me: the apartment is completely furnished, and the bed is on the floor cause it's like how the chinese people have their beds, cause i always fall out so yeah)

"Tired?" Billie Joe said sitting down next to you after you made room for him.

"No, I'm not at all." You say sarcastically. Billie Joe smirks. "No, nah-uh. Not happening, Armstrong."

Billie Joe frowns and pretends to cry. You throw the pillow you were resting on at him. "You shouldn't have done that."

"Oh why not?" You say crossing your arms.

Billie begins to smirk again. "Because, I'll win."

You just shook your head and ignored Billie Joe for the rest of the night who was complaining about him being the birthday boy and not getting his present. Typical male...

You had fallen asleep on the couch and awoke the next morning to the smell of half-burnt toast. You look up and see Billie Joe taking the half-burnt toast out of the toaster. "Morning." He says as he unplugs the toaster. "You should've came to bed with me. Bed's real comfy."

"You fucker, you didn't wake me up." You glared at him. Billie Joe shrugged it off. Hm, what's up with him? To pry or not to pry, that is the question.

"Come over here and eat some breakfast." Billie said motioning for you to come to the table.

"Okay, June." You say smiling. Billie Joe raises an eyebrow.

"June?" He poured you a glass of orange juice.

"You know? June Cleaver?" Billie Joe shook his head. "From Leave It To Beaver?" Billie shrugged. "You're pathetic."

Billie laughed. "Me? Pathetic? That's funny."

"You know, I never realized how hard it was going to be living with you alone, until now." You say shaking your head and taking a bite out of the toast, which actually tasted okay.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Billie Joe said defensively.

"No need to get all defensive." You finished breakfast in silence. "Thanks for the breakfast."

"Anytime, Ward." Billie Joe smirked.What a liar.

Mike, John, Lisea, and Dani had stopped by separately throughout the day. It was around midnight when you decided to go to bed, leaving Billie Joe in the living room. You climbed into bed, literally, and stared at the ceiling. Billie walked in and stood at the doorway with a smirk on his face. Before you could react he had climbed in ontop of you and kissed you. You kissed him back and he pulled away, still with a smirk on his face.

"Oh, what the hell?" Billie smirked and kissed you passionately. He pulled on the hem of your shirt and pulled it off. You managed to pull his off too. He took your jeans off as you undid his so you were in your bra and underwear and he was in his boxers. Billie Joe pulled away for a minute and just looked at you.

"You sure you want to do this? I mean, you don't have to." He asked. You only pulled him back down and kissed him.

He pulled off your underwear and unclasped your bra, flinging them across the room. He then pulled down his boxers, slipped on a condom and entered you. Billie Joe began kissing you hard, as to help ease the pain. Even though he had had sex with you before, when you were both drunk a few months ago, it still hurt.