Paper Lanterns

Not pregnant are you?!

You woke up the next morning in Billie Joe's arms. The light was shining brightly through the windows in the room. You just layed there, staring at the wall thinking about stuff until Billie woke up.

"Hey." He said softly and kissed your head. You looked at him and he smiled.

You smiled back. "Hey."

"You hungry?" Billie Joe asked.

You shrugged. "I guess."

"Well, we're going out for breakfast. Meeting John, Lisea, Dani, and Mike." Billie let go of you and got up. You threw his pillow at him and his nakedness.

"What, don't like what you see?" Billie Joe said striking a pose. You blushed and buried your face into your pillow. Billie got dressed and walked out of the bedroom, knowing you'd kill him if he didn't get out. You got up and got dressed and walked out into the living room where Billie Joe was.

"So, where exactly are we going out to eat?" You asked sitting down on the couch. You grabbed the remote from his hand and began flipping through the TV channels, even though Billie Joe had decided on a channel already.

"Hey, I showed you a good time last night and now you're taking the remote away from me?" Billie Joe said. You nodded. "I don't think so." You two then began fighting over the remote. You didn't hear everyone walk in and just watch. Billie Joe grabbed the remote from you, after about a thirty-minute struggle. "I win, you lose."

You heard gasps come from behind the couch and you looked at John, Lisea, Dani, and Mike just standing there wide-eyed at the fact that you lost at something. "What? I guess there's a first time for everything."

You all went to the diner and ate breakfast. Billie Joe and Mike were talking about something while you, Dani, and Lisea were talking about nothing in particular. John had no one to talk to. Until, of course, he just had to ask the one thing you never ask during breakfast.

"So, did you two have some 'fun' last night?" Mike kicked John under the table while you looked out the window trying not to blush. "Ow, what was that for?!"

"You don't ask that during breakfast you dumb fuck." Mike scolded John.

"You don't ask that at all." Dani corrected Mike.

"I don't understand." John says. Mike threatens to kick him again. "Oh okay. I understand."

"Now say you're sorry to Maria and Billie Joe." Lisea chimed in.

"Sorry guys." John said sullenly.

"It's okay." Billie said. You nodded, still looking out the window.

"You guys ready to order?" The waitor came to the table. His name tag said Mark.

"Hash browns and toast...and coffee." You said after everyone else. By this time you had taken your eyes away from the window and looked at the menu.

Mark walked away with the menus and you all began talking about random things. You rested your head on Billie Joe's shoulder.

"Tired, babe?" He asked. You nodded and Billie put his arm around you.

"Babe?" John questioned raising an eyebrow. You shot him a glare.

The food came and you guys ate then left. You went with Dani and Lisea since you guys had practice.

" don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but um..." Dani trailed off.

"Like John had asked, did you two have 'fun' last night?" Lisea finished. You just looked at them. "Oohhhhh. Do tell."

"If you want." Dani added. You shrugged. "What's up with you? You haven't been your usual self."

"You're not pregnant are you?!" Lisea asked.

"God, no." You finally spoke.

"Good, you're actually talking. And good that you're not pregnant." Lisea sighed in relief.

"I'm just a bit tired is all." You yawned.

"I can see." Dani said.

After practice you went home and fell asleep on the couch. Billie Joe was at Mike's, according to the note he left you. You woke up a few hours later to the sound of two people moving things around the apartment.

"What the hell is going on?" You asked sitting up.

"Um, honey?" Billie Joe said sheepishly. "Mike's moving in with us because he doesn't want to move away with Myla and his mom."

"Oh okay." You couldn't object. Mike was a nice guy, and there was an extra room that was empty. You couldn't see the harm in him living with you and Billie. Except for one thing. "Mike!" You called out.

Mike walked into the living room. "You rang?"

"Do you own a pair of earplugs?" You had to ask. For his own good.

Confused, Mike shook his head. "No, I don't. Why?"

"Well..." You trailed off as Mike's eyes widened.

"Billie Joe!" Mike called.

"Yeah?" Billie came walking out of what will be Mike's room and into the living room.

"Uno pequeno problema." Mike said forgetting Billie Joe doesn't speak spanish.

"Huh?" Billie Joe was confused. "I don't speak spanish."

"Oh right." Mike corrected himself. "One small problem."

"That would be.....?"

Mike hesitated. "I don't own earplugs."

"What?" Billie started laughing.

"Billie Joe..." You whined, sort of. You looked at him. He looked at you. He didn't understand. You got up off the couch and whispered it in his ear.

"Ohhhh." Billie Joe understood, finally. "Don't worry, Mike. We'll pick you up a pair."

"I won't need to use them every night will I?" Mike asked with a pleading look on his face. You looked at Billie Joe who seemed to be contemplating his answer. You decided to pry into his thoughts.

Oh man, now I can't have sex with her as often anymore. Damn it. Oh well. Minor setback.

Okay, that was really weird. I am never doing that again. There should be a warning label on his mind. Or a secret password. Or something. Yesh.

"No. You won't." Billie Joe reassured Mike and pat him on the back. Mike looked at him skeptically.

"'ll notify me when I have to use them, right?" Mike inquired. You looked at Billie Joe.

"No. When you hear odd noises coming from our room though, you'll know to use them." Billie said smiling. Mike's eyes widened as you blushed profusely. "I was just kidding."

Mike had one more question to ask. "Will I need to use them tonight?"

"No." You answered quickly. Billie Joe looked at you, shocked. You looked back at him shaking your head. He hung his head low, defeated.

"Uh...okay then. I'm going to go now. Um, sleepy time you know." Mike said getting up from the couch and making a beeline to his room.

You got up to go to your room as well, but Billie Joe pulled you down into his lap. "Not tonight, eh?" He whispered into your ear and started kissing your neck.

"What are you, canadian?" You asked. Billie looked at you and shook his head. "You said 'eh'. Canadians say that."

"Oh." Billie said as he began kissing you deeper and deeper. He pulled away, picked you up and carried you into the bedroom.

"Billie, not tonight." You whined, but quietly as not to wake up Mike.

"Aww, is poor Maria a wee bit sore from last night?" Billie Joe teased pecking your lips ever so slightly.

"So, you go from being Canadian to Irish now?" You say smiling. Billie Joe nods and puts you down on the bed, crawling in after you. You snuggle up next to him and fall asleep.