Paper Lanterns

Hit to the head

"If you think he's on drugs or something, he's not." Mike whispered in your ear. "I think he hit his head on something though."

"Okay." You got into the driver's seat as Mike climbed into the back, followed by Billie Joe who sat up front with you.

"Don't crash the car." Billie Joe taunted reminding you of your driver's ed exam.

"Shut up." You glared at him and pulled out on to the main road to the beach.

Billie Joe began fumbling with the radio and found a spanish station.

"Eww...I hate spanish music." Mike stated. You glared at him via the rearview mirror. "Sorry."

"That's okay. Billie, you can change the station if you want." You didn't really want to listen to spanish music because you tend to get lost in it and you might crash the fairlane. Then Billie'd kill you.

"Okay then." Billie Joe began fumbling with the radio dial again and found a rock station. You continued on driving and actually got to the beach without crashing.

"See, told you I wouldn't crash the car." You said matter-of-factly and stuck your tongue out at Billie Joe.

Billie smirked which made you scream and run. That left poor Mike to carry the towels. You ran uberly fast but somehow, he caught you anyways and pushed you to the ground.

"Look, now you got sand all over me." You pouted.

Billie thought for a minute. "Well there's only one way to get it off." Before you could retaliate, Billie Joe had picked you up and thrown you into the water.

"You...You...." You couldn't think of anything to call him.

"Let me help you up, darling." Billie Joe extended a hand. You looked at it skeptically, but took it anyway.

"What's with all these names, lately?" You asked as you both walked back to where Mike was.

"I don't know." Billie Joe replied. "I think it has something to do when John hit me multiple times with his drumsticks that one day."

"Oh." You took out a towel and sat down on it.

Billie just stood in front of you. "Don't tell me we came all the way here for you two to just sit on your towels and do nothing all day."

"Okay fine, we won't tell you." You smiled.

"Come on Mike. Let's play." Billie Joe pleaded with Mike.

"Fine." He got up and Billie Joe whispered something in his ear. "Na uh. No way, man."

"Okay fine. Just come on." Billie grabbed Mike by the arm and dragged him away. You laughed and just relaxed.

A few hours later, Billie Joe and Mike came back. "Oh Mariaaaa. We're baaaaack."

"Should I run away screaming now?" You inquired.

Billie Joe pouted and placed his hands on his waist. "That's not very nice."

"I'm sorry." You stood up and kissed him on the cheek. You then whispered in his ear. "I'll make it up to you."

"Apology accepted." Billie Joe grabbed you at the waist. "Come on. I have to show you something." He lead you to where him and Mike had been. The two of them had been working on a sand castle. It was huge. "Mike made most of it."

"It's amazing." You said. "I can't even make one of the towers without it falling apart."

"This ..." Billie Joe pointed to the north tower. "Is our room and this ..." He pointed to the south tower. "Is Mike's. So he won't need earplugs."

You laughed. "That really is all you think about is it?"

"Aside from music and you, yes." Billie confessed. You shook your head. "Ah, but you love me."

"Yes, most unfortunately." Billie Joe pouted. "Aw, baby. I was just kidding."

"I know how you can make it up to me." Billie had that 'look' in his eyes.

You smiled. "Don't push it."

"Well, it was worth a shot." You and Billie Joe walked back to where Mike was. He had began making another sand castle.

"You know, you could design houses if you wanted to." You pointed out.

"Nah, this is just a hobby." Mike said flatening the top of the first tower.

You and Billie Joe helped him out and by the time you two had finished, it was better than the other one, which was probably already demolished by now anyway.

"There." Mike put a little flag on the main tower. "Finished."

"Well, I'm hungry and it's beginning to get dark." Billie Joe stood up and brushed the sand off of him. You gathered all the towels and the three of you headed up towards the ford fairlane. "Am I allowed to drive now?"

"Sure, why not? It's your vehicle not mine." You tossed him the keys and Mike took the towels with him as he climbed in the back.

You picked up something to eat on the way home and ate. Mike went out with Dani. You and Billie Joe sat down on the couch and watched a movie.

"I love you." Billie Joe said kissing the top of your head.

"I love you too." You looked at him and kissed him. Billie started kissing you more passionately and then moved to your neck. He pulled away, turned off the tv, and the two of you went into the bedroom.