Paper Lanterns

School sucks

That was how you spent your summer. Bizarre dreams, practices, dealing with Billie Joe getting high behind your back but then ultimately confessing it, shows, and eventually going shopping for school.

It was the first day of school and you were woken up, not by the alarm clock that you anticipated would wake you up, but by an acoustic guitar playing. You opened your eyes and saw Billie Joe sitting at the edge of the bed strumming away.

"Did I wake you?" He asked putting the acoustic down.

You shook your head and looked at the clock. "Nah, it's about time I get up anyways. School starts today, you know."

Billie sighed. "I know. That's why I was up early, trying to salvage whatever's left of my summer vacation."

"Oh. Well, I'm gonna go and take my shower." You stated pulling yourself up out of bed. You grabbed some clothes and walked out to the bathroom.

You took your shower without any interruptions and walked into the kitchen to find that Mike was up as well, drinking a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper. This time, it was right-side up. You glanced over and noticed he was reading the comics. Figures.

"So, Mikey boy." You began, striking up a conversation with your roommate. "Ready for senior year?"

Mike merely nodded and returned to the comics. "I don't think Billie Joe's too keen on returning, however."

"Yeah, he was up this morning trying to salvage the remainder of what was left of his summer vacation." You said putting bread into the toaster. "Something like that."

Just then, Billie entered the kitchen. A smile was plastered on his face. "Excited about going back to school?"

You and Mike exchanged confused and nervous looks.

He said, "Who the hell are you and what have you done with my best friend?!"

While you said at the same time, "Who are you and what the hell have you done with my boyfriend?!"

Billie laughed. "What? Can't I be happy about going back to school."

You eyed him suspiciously. "You know I don't want no drugs in this apartment, so you better not be on any mister."

"I'm not, I swear!" Billie Joe's arms shot up in the air as if he were to be arrested.

"Okay." You believed him. He was telling the truth. You could tell.

You ate and got to school. It was then you remembered that John wasn't invited back this year. You laughed.

"What's funny, Maria?" Billie Joe asked.

You shook your head. "I just remembered that John's not invited back this year is all."

"It's not that funny, Maria." Billie stated.

"Oh but it is, dear Billie Joe." You smiled.

Billie just stood there. He looked at you oddly. "Are you sure you're not the one on drugs?"

"I would never." You protested. Truth be told, you really would never. Remember what happened to your mom? Exactly.

"I know. I was just making sure." You two continued on your journey to ye old office to pick up schedule. "Okay you first."

You looked down at your paper and began to recite your schedule.

"Homeroom: Vanderbok
Period 1: Gym - Klebez
Period 2: Geometry - Miliano
Period 3: Chemistry AP - O'Neill
Period 4: Lunch/Study - Auditorium
Period 5: Sociology - Austin
Period 6: Spanish 5 - Ferro
Period 7: English 12 CP - Cimaglia
Period 8: Art - Weir

How about you?" You asked finishing your schedule. You were completely baffled at how you were put into Chemistry AP. That's insane.

"Wow, you're schedule's insane. Chemistry AP?" Billie Joe was just as stunned. "I knew you were smart, but that smart?"

"I try." You smiled. "Just read off your schedule."

"Homeroom: Ajaj
Period 1: Gym - Klebez
Period 2: Chemistry - Krygier
Period 3: Geometry - Vanderbok
Period 4: Lunch/Study - Auditorium
Period 5: Sociology - Austin
Period 6: Spanish 2 - Garza
Period 7: English 12 CP - Cimaglia
Period 8: Art - Weir"

You looked at Billie Joe. "You're taking art?"

"Yeah, why not?" He shrugged. "It's one of the only classes we'll get together."

"True." You agreed. "Just don't put paint in my hair like you did when we were in the fifth grade."

"But Mike dared me to." Billie protested.

You rolled your eyes. "And you always listened to what Mike said?"

"Say, in sociology I heard you get married." Billie said changing the subject.

You laughed. "Oh really?"

"Yeah. Sounds like oodles and oodles of fun." Billie Joe stated beaming.

"Did you just say 'oodles and oodles'?" You inquired.

Billie Joe, realizing what he had said, looked shocked. "Oh God...I did, didn't I?"

You nodded. The bell rang, summoning you to Mr. Vanderbok's homeroom and Billie to Mrs. Ajaj's. He leaned in and kissed you.

"I'll see you in gym, okay?" He said. You nodded and kissed him again before walking into homeroom.

You looked around the classroom and saw Mike and Lisea. You sat down in between them in the empty seat next to them. They knew either you or Billie would be in this homeroom.

"Hey, where's Dani?" You asked.

"Ajaj." Mike stated solemnly.

You smiled. "Well, at least Billie's got company now."

"He's there too?" Lisea asked. You nodded.

"We're barely in any classes this year. They put me in an advanced placement chemistry, which kinda scared me." You stated.

Mike took your schedule out of your hand. "That's insane."

"I know." You replied. It turns out you and Mike have Chemistry AP and Spanish 5 together. You and Lisea have sociology and geometry. All of you are in the same gym and lunch, as well as Dani and of course Billie Joe.

By the time lunch came around, your brain was fried. Who knew Chemistry AP would be so hard?

You got your lunch and sat down with Dani, Lisea, Mike, and Billie Joe. It seemed really weird without John. It just wasn't normal.

"It doesn't seem right without John." Mike stated.

"Yeah." You all agreed.

"Miss me?!" You turned around to see John standing behind you. He sat down. "Funny thing, teacher's don't pay attention to people walking in and out of the building."

This is normal now.

John ate lunch with you guys and then left. You, Billie Joe, and Lisea walked off to sociology.

Halfway through the class, Billie Joe raised his hand which shocked not only you and Lisea, but the entire class.

"Yes, Mr. Armstrong?" Mrs. Austin asked.

Billie put his hand down. "When are we doing the simulated marriage?"

"Not until the middle of term, Mr. Armstrong." Mrs. Austin told him. "If you were paying attention in the beginning of class like the rest of your peers, you would've known that already."

"Um, okay." Billie said, a bit embarrassed. Yeah, just go an embarrass me the first day. Stupid teacher.

You giggled and then made a disgusted look. Lisea looked at you. "What?"

"I ..." You choked on the words. "Giggled."

Lisea rolled her eyes and went back to paying attention to the class.

"Did you giggle in sociology?" Billie questions you during art. You shamefully nod. "Giggling's not a bad thing, you know."

"Yes it is." You argued. You tuned Billie Joe out and went back to your drawing.

"Tomorrow, we're going to be drawing portraits of the person sitting next to us." Mr. Weir stated before the bell rang.

"Oohhh, you get to draw me." Billie Joe said really excited. "I have to look real spiffy tomorrow."

You laughed. "Come on."

You two went back to the apartment. Mike was already there flipping through tv channels.

"Did you skip out on your last two classes or something?" You ask sitting down on the chair.

"How'd you know?" Mike inquired ungluing his eyes from the tv screen.

You just looked at him. "I'm psychic, remember."

"Oh. Right." Mike remembered.

"Ferro too much?" You asked. Mike nodded. "I can't stand her either."

"Who can't you stand?" Billie Joe asked sitting ontop of you.

"Billie! Get off of me!"

"Never!" Billie stated.

You smiled. "Fine." You pushed him off of you.

"Hey, that wasn't very nice." Billie Joe pouted.

"Sorry, Billie." You said sheepishly.

"Now kiss me so I feel better." You raised an eyebrow at this, but kissed him anyway. Billie returned the kiss and started kissing you more passionately.. ..until Mike hit him with a couch pillow. "So anyway...who is it that you can't stand?"

"Mrs. Ferro." You say in disgust. "She's the most strictest, and oldest, spanish teacher in the whole department. I was 'this' close to walking out of class today." (A/N: my sister had her for spanish some odd years ago and she walked out the first day)

"Oh. I'm sorry." Billie kissed you again. Mike cleared his throat. "Oh, does Mikey want a kiss as well?"

"Nah, that's okay. I have a girlfriend who'll kiss me." Mike stated.

"Oh Mike, you're no fun." Billie sat on you again, purposely.

"Get the fuck off me, or I'll push you again." You warned.

"What'd you say? Alls I heard was 'fuck me'." Billie smirked getting off of you.