Paper Lanterns

Dentention of Doom?

Two weeks had gone by and you felt a strange feeling in the air. It wasn't 'something-is-missing-here' strange but more 'someone-is-going-to-die' strange. You shook it off and walked to study hall.

"You're late again, Maria!" Mr. Jasawits screamed from his desk.

"I'm sorry, I was...." you couldn't finish.

"You were what? Screwing around, I assume? This is the third time you've been late, so I'm afraid you have earned a detention slip."

"Dammit, I didn't even get to say anything..." you muttered to yourself.

"Take a seat while I fill out your slip," Mr. Jasawits instructed you.

You slowly dropped your books and slid into the tiny desk. What does he have against me? It's not like I'm a trouble maker. I mean it's Friday and last hour of the day! I bet he loves punishing people for fun, unlike Mrs. Langiff. She'd let it slide no- your thoughts were interrupted.

"Sign this, Maria," Mr. Jasawits said sneaking up and scaring the sense out of you.

"What the fuck did I do?! You just love punishing people don't you, Mr. Jasawits?!!!" you yelled, then gasped along with everyone else, including Mr. Jasawits.

"Alrighty then miss, a double detention AND a trip to the principal's office it is." said the teacher all ha-ha-I-can-abuse-my-power like.

You scribbled your name, picked up your books, and nervously took your time down the long hallways. What if I'm suspended? Or if they give me an automatic F for the next test? Or give a bad report on my record......or KILL ME? Okay cool it, Maria, cool it. Clearly you're going insane for nothing. Why would the school kill you?

Just then the heading "Principal's Office" appeared. You pushed the door in and it creaked happily. Oh great, just great, now I can't run for it.

"Maria, do you know why you were sent to my office?" a low voice boomed.

"Y-yes, s-sir." you squeaked.

"Mr. Jasawits told me you were 'late to class and sassing off to him' Is this true?"

"Yes, y-yes it is, sir."

"As punishment you are being sent home early and I will see to it that you serve both of your detentions."

"Yes, s-sir. Thank you, s-sir."

Thank God he's being so easy on me! This is more a reward than punishment actually.

"Off you go then." said the low voice, pleased more than disappointed.

You quickly walked to your car and got in. As you started to leave you noticed the sky was dark. Wow, that weatherman is never right! I should switch to YWT as my channel. I heard they're the best in California.

You pull to a stop at the red light and a few moments later it starts to drizzle. On the windshields whippers go as you watch a Mustang speed by. They must be an idiot, it's going to be pouring! Slippery roads and speeding do NOT mix well. Really who goes 85 mph when it's starting to rain?

"Green, finally!" you hear another driver say.

You push on the peddle lightly and move ahead.

"45 mph." you read aloud.

I wonder what Dani is doing now.....probably trying to draw something decent for her art class. She's got really good ideas but her drawing......well it sucks. She said it'd be cool if someone drew Mickey Mouse in the 70s. She attempted this but it looked like a pear with an afro and a tail. I wonder if I should tell Billie about this adventure I've had today? He'd find it hilarious. You smiled.

The sky started pouring buckets of rain. The windshield whippers sped up and your car slowed down.

I think I have to but some more food for Zero....and maybe buy a like extra milk as his treat.

"What is this?!" you howled.

A bright light flashed in your face, causing you to cringe. As you looked up it was a pick-up truck. It was coming at you.

"OH MY GOD!" you screamed and pressed the peddle as hard a possible, causing your car to scream ahead. About a mile or two you stopped and started breathing again.

"You're going to be fine, you're going to be fine, you're going to be fine!" you convinced yourself. Then you laughed at the near-death experience.

'EEEERRRR!' pierced your breathing silence. More bright light to your left, again causing you to cringe, but only for a moment. You saw a semi screeching down the road. Straight. For. You. But you were motionless. Helpless. Numb. You had no self control as the light got closer. Then you heard a 'ERRRRCAAACCHH!'
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Read the next chapter!