Paper Lanterns


"You're joking, right?" Mike says with a disgusted look on his face. "I mean, he doesn't actually like that thing over there."

You sigh. "Afraid so."

Suddenly John realizes he missed something. "What's going on?"

"Billie's going out with Slutzilla over there." You say discreetly pointing towards Marcia. How Billie Joe can stand being around a mob of preps, jocks, sluts, and whores is one thing you may never know.

"Gross." John says. "I think we just lost our guitarist."

"So, what's this about a practice after school, Maria?" Mike asks again.

"Yeah. I got a band." You say.

Lisea chimes in. "Yeah, I play the drums, Maria sings and plays guitar and Dani over here.." She says pointing at Dani who is fast asleep. "..plays bass, but she'll play guitar sometimes too."

"Cool. You guys plan on showcasing your band any time soon?" Mike asks. "Like, you know, play shows and stuff?" You notice he's looking at Dani. You suspect that he has a crush on her and you smile to yourself. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing. I was just thinking. It was nothing important." You say quickly.

"Yeah we plan on doing that, right Maria?" Lisea says.

You nod. Just then the bell rings and it's time for first period. Dani nearly falls off her chair because of it. You walk out of the classroom with Mike, John, Dani, and Lisea and completely ignore Billie Joe who's too busy to care anyway. Mike and John separate from you guys to go to their science class with Mr. Heller. Oh freakin' joy First period is US II with Mr. Shortway (Me: all the teachers you have, are teachers I have or my sisters have had in high school, k?). You like that class a lot because he lets you guys have open discussions. You're not really in the mood to go to that class today, however, because you have to sit next to Billie Joe and well he's last person you want sitting next to you right now. Dani and Lisea are in your class too, but since you have those lab tables for desks only two people can sit at them. Yeah it sucks because you'll have to deal with Billie Joe and Slutzilla, whom you refuse to call by her real name now, passing notes and blowing kisses to each other and what not.

"Okay, settle down class." Mr. Shortway says clearing his throat. "Time for a project. Now, since you already have someone sitting next to you, there's no need to pick partners. If you don't have a partner, then you'll work alone." You look over at Slutzilla who looks over at Billie with pleading eyes. You look at Billie who motions at me and rolls his eyes. You look back down at your notebook, completely ignoring Mr. Shortway.

Finally, when he sits down at his desk you raise your hand. "May I go to the nurse?" You ask.

"Come get a pass." Mr. Shortway says filling out one for you.

As you walk by her desk to get your pass you hear Slutzilla say loudly, "Aw, does Maria have a tummy ache?" You hear a few laughs, one from Billie. You glare at him, imagining daggers being thrown at him.

"Yeah, actually I do. From seeing your ugly face." You sneered back at her before walking out the door. As you closed the door, you heard a couple 'ooo's from the class. Victory is mine. You walk around the building for a bit. You didn't have to go to the nurse. You just needed to get out of that classroom. After about five minutes, you come back to the classroom. "I'm going home, so maybe Slu-- Marcia should work with Billie Joe." You say to Mr. Shortway, throwing out your pass. That was a close one.

"Alright then." Mr. Shortway says. "Don't you usually go home with Bil.."

You cut him off before he could say 'Billie Joe'. "No, I walk." Before he or anyone could say anything else, you grab your books and walk out of the classroom. You go to your locker, throw the books in, and shut it. You fall down and put your head to your knees, just when someone sits down next to you.

"What's wrong?" the voice asks. You look up to see Billie.

"Fuck off." is all you say before running down to the science wing, leaving Billie Joe with a confused look on his face. You figure you might as well let John and Mike know you're leaving. You look through the door and Mike sees you and nudges John. You sit down by the door as you wait for them to be excused from class.

"What's up?" John says groggily. "You woke me up."

"I'm going to Uncle Mike's. I thought maybe you guys'd like to come?" You ask.

"Sure." John says.

Mike thinks for a minute. "Let me just tell Heller over there that we got some huge family emergency or something ok?"

You and John wait for Mike while he goes to tell Mr. Heller they're leaving. "This has to do with Billie Joe and Slutzilla, doesn't it?" John finally asks.

"How did you know?" You say shocked because you really didn't think he knew.

John laughs. "I may be the drummer, but I'm not completely stupid." You laugh too.

"Okay you two." Mike says closing the door behind him. "Let's go."

You all walk out the door to the school just as the bell rings. Perfect timing. You begin to make the long journey to Uncle Mike's. "You know what?" You say randomly. "I think we should go to the closest house, which would be the one I live at, and have him get us."

"Good thinking." John says. "I don't think I can walk that far." So you all go to yours and Billie's house and call up Uncle Mike. About ten minutes later, Uncle Mike's souped up coupe (Me: i've always wanted to say that for some strange reason) pulled in the driveway. John and Mike's eyes widened and their jaws dropped. You laughed.

"Why hello, Maria. Is anything the matter? Why aren't you in school?" Uncle Mike says in his thick italian accent as he steps out of the car. (Me: if i haven't already told you, then Uncle Mike really isn't your uncle he's just a friend of your mom's who just happens to be a mob boss -- an NO i'm not stereotyping the italians..again)

"Yes and no. I'll explain it all later." You say. You snap your fingers at John and Mike who quickly return back to reality. Uncle Mike laughs at them, in a friendly way. You all get into the car and Uncle Mike drives you to 'the business'. 'The business' is really just his bar, but you've known a lot of shady things go down there. None that you can repeat unless you wanted to wind up six feet under, of course.

You all get inside when Uncle Mike pulls your aside and asks you about your lip. "Your lip, who did that to you?" You hesitate. "Was it that kid your age, you know. Ollie's son. Big mouth."

"Billie Joe" You say.

"He do this to you?" Uncle Mike says very protectively.

You look at him sternly. "Now Uncle Mike, I don't want you to cause no trouble with him, alright?"

"Fine. Fine. But if he so much as lays a finger on you like that again..." He trailed off hitting his fist into left hand.

"You'll be the first to know." You say shaking your head.

The day pretty much dragged on from there. Couple of nicely dressed italians talking to Uncle Mike were the only other people in the bar. John had fallen asleep whereas Mike was very tense, like if he fell asleep he'd get shot up or something. "Relax Mike. No one's gonna bust a cap in your ass." You say smiling. He smiles back and you two play poker for a couple hours. "That's 46 bucks you owe me" you say smirking. Mike lost everytime. "But since you're my friend and all, I'll cut you some slack."

"Okay, kiddo" Uncle Mike calls from behind the bar. "Time to take you all home. Wake up the other one, will ya?"

You kick John in the stomach, but not too hard, to wake him up. "What was that for?" he says cluching his stomach.

"Sorry. Time to go home." You say as you and Mike follow Uncle Mike out the door with John following behind. "Hey, Uncle Mike? Can you do me a favor?"

"For you, Maria. Anything." Uncle Mike says.

"Well I need to pick up my guitar and a notebook at the house and then I gotta go to Lisea's for band practice." You say fast.

"Okay and where are you two getting dropped off?" Uncle Mike asks Mike and John.

"My house!" John says raising his hand.

Uncle Mike whispers to you. "Odd one he is. Reminds me of your ..." He stops himself before he spills the secret.

"My what?" You ask curiously and suspiciously.

"Nothing. Nothing. Forget I ever mentioned it." Uncle Mike says quickly. You pulled up into the driveway and luckily, Billie Joe's car wasn't there. You ran inside and grabbed what you needed and came back out. This time, his car was there. He looked at you and you ignored him. Once back in the car and on the road Uncle Mike has the nerve to ask you. "That girl, in the car, who is she?"

"Slutzilla...I mean Marcia." You say angrily.

Uncle Mike shakes his head. "He can do sooo much better than that."