Paper Lanterns


You woke up the next morning and decided to make some breakfast. Ollie was home today, but the house was quiet, a little too quiet. You got the pancake mix out and just before you put the stuff in the pan, you felt someone come up from behind you and place their arms around your waist. Two guesses as to who it is. Still, you jumped because you didn't expect that.

"Morning, love" Billie says kissing you neck and then resting his chin on your shoulder.

"Good morning. Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna make breakfast." You said turning around so you were facing Billie Joe. His arms were still wrapped around your waist.

Billie Joe pouted. "Yes I do mind. But I'm hungry, so go right ahead." He said removing his arms from around your waist and sat down at the table, smiling. You rolled your eyes at him before turning back to the stove. "Yeah, I love you too Maria."

A few minutes later Ollie came down into the kitchen. "Oh, Maria. What are you making that smells so good?" She said as she sat down at the table across from Billie.

"Pancakes. Nothing special." You say as you take the pancakes out of the pan. They looked perfect, like the ones in restaraunts. "How many?"

"Two, thank you." Ollie said.

"Billie?" You asked handing Ollie her plate of pancakes and placing the syrup on the table.

"Three." He said before adding a 'please'. Ollie stared at her son strangely. "What? Can't I be polite for once in my lifetime?"

"Who are you and what have you done with my real son?" was all Ollie said before you and her started laughing.

Billie Joe pouted again and folded his arms like a toddler would do when they didn't get something their way. "Excuse me..I didn't think my being polite amused you two so much. I am very offended."

"Oh Billie, don't throw a hissy fit. Here's your breakfast." You say as you place his plate of pancakes in front of him and sit down with yours.

He glared at you playfully and began eating his pancakes in silence. Ollie looked at the two of you and wondered if she was in the right house. "How did you do that?"

"What can I say? I'm Maria and I always win." You say smiling.

"Not true" Billie mumbles in between bites.

"Excuse me, but what did you just say Armstrong?" You ask sharply.

"Nothing...." Billie says sheepishly before returning to his pancakes.

You smile to yourself. "That's what I thought."

You all finished your breakfast and you retreated to the living room after cleaning the dishes, even though Ollie insisted on doing them herself. You flicked through about ten or twenty channels before finding something to watch. Billie sat down next to you and put his arm around you, bringing you closer to him. "Have you told your mom that we're going out, yet?" You ask.

"I haven't gotten around to it yet" Billie says. "But I will, don't worry."

Just then Ollie comes downstairs muttering something about how Brad will be back soon and that she needs to pick him up at the airport. (Me: about two years after Andy died, Ollie remarried this guy and I don't remember his name so we'll call him Brad. well, the kids -- david, allen, marcy, holly, anna, and billie joe -- and you don't like him very all) Billie Joe sighs a loud and annoyed sigh. "Now, I don't want you causing Brad any trouble when he get home, Billie Joe." Ollie says sternly.

"Whatever" Billie says. "Maria and I got other plans anyway so we won't be home when your beloved husband comes home."

Ollie shakes her head. "I'm just going to ignore that snide remark. And may I ask what plans you two have?"

"Movies" Billie Joe answers.

"Oh" She says in response. "As friends, I'm sure. Right?"

"Nope" Billie says. "I didn't tell you? We're going out now."

"Have fun then." Ollie says before proceeding to walk out the door to the car to pick up Brad from the airport.

"Smooth, Armstrong. Real smooth" You say. "And who said I was going anywhere with you?"

"B-b-but I thought you loved me, Maria?" Billie Joe said pretending to cry, and failing miserably. He broke out into a smile.

"Of course I do, you know I love you." You say looking up at him.

"Good. Then we're going to the movies." He says as he gets up and ushers you to the stairs. "Now. You and me. Go and get ready."

You got changed out of your pajamas and came back downstairs. You got to the movies and took the two seats nearest the back. About halfway through the movie Billie Joe started making out with you. Then about a few minutes later, you felt someone throwing popcorn. You break away from Billie Joe to see two people. One grinning, and the other pretending to be sick. "What the hell?" You say to John and Mike.

"Well. I didn't mean to interrupt anything.." John starts. "But I figured you could eat some popcorn instead of each other's faces."

"Gee, thanks John." Billie Joe says rolling his eyes at him as you rest your head on his shoulder.

"Anytime." John replies before turning back to face the movie. Once the movie ended you all decided to get some pizza.

"Don't do that again." You say to John for the fourth time. He's took all the straw wrappers and was shooting them at you.

"I'm out, anyway." He says. You shake your head as the Frank's pizza people come to your table with the pizza.

"Billie Joe, please tell me you won't be doing anymore of what you did in the movies, here..or well anywhere for today." Mike pleads.

"Aw, is Mikey jealous 'cause he doesn't have a girlfriend?" Billie says in a babyish voice.

"Am not." Mike says.

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Jeez. Could you to please refrain from acting like children for once?" You say getting annoyed. "I'm starting to get a headache."

"Sure, Maria." Mike and Billie Joe say at the same time.

You all ate your pizza and then dropped John and Mike off at their houses. "So, you have fun?" Billie asks you.

"Yup. But I think our fun is about to end." You say as Billie pulls into the driveway. "Look who's back." There was a figure sitting out on the top of the stoop, as if it were waiting for you two to get home. And it didn't look like it was happy to see you, either.