Rebel Love Song

After All These Years

"Bye Lexi!" My friend Sarah yelled as I left her house. We had just celebrated her 18th birtday, since she was the last one out of us to turn 18.

I walked down to Central Park and at on the swings, laughing at the the little kids that ran around me. This is the park were I met Jimmy. He was one of my first friends and definitely the best out of all of them.

He's in a band, and they're pretty big. Avenged Sevenfold is what it's called. I haven't seen Jimmy since they left for Warped Tour.

He probably doesn't remember me, It's been 5 years.

I went home and got ready for bed. I have to school tomorrow, and have to get up early. That is why I seriously hate my hair. It takes forever to straighten.

In the morning after doing my hair and getting dressed in my A7x band tee, my black shorts, and converse, I went downstairs to get something to eat. About halfway through my search I heard Sarah walk in with our two other friends Daniella and Christa.

"Did you guys hear Avenged Sevenfold is done with their tour? They are back in town and we just might have the chance to meet them!" Sarah chirped.

My heart sped up and I had to keep myself from dropping the box of cereal currently in my hand. "Are you serious?" I squeaked. I might get to see Jimmy again!

"Just think...I could actually have a chance with Jimmy."Christa said dreamily.
I scoffed. "As if. He'd be mine before he looks at you."
"Fine! I'll take Johnny!"
I laughed at her and my phone went off. I looked at it and nearly dropped that as well.

'You remember your friend Jimmy right? Well he's picking you up from school today.' My mom sent me.

"Anyway. We should get going." I told them before they asked questions.

After the last bell rang I ran out of my classroom and down to the main office. I didn't see the girls around so I walked outside and saw Jimmy leaning against the side of the building, smirking at me.

"Jimbo!" I yelled and ran toward him. He caught me in one of his signature hugs and spun me around.

"Damn girl. You've gotten tall." He said as he sat me down. It's true. I was about to his nose.
"We might want to go before my friends see you. They'll attack you, trust me on that."
He laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him, giving me a side hug, and we left.

We were at my house and he said he got something for me. He ran out of the house and to his car. He came back in with a giant poster of himself. I laughed at him and he put it up on my wall. He then found a permanent marker and signed it.
'Jimmy loves you...and pancakes!' I laughed at him and he sat down in my roller chair.

My phone started to play 'Dance, Dance" By Fall Out Boy and knew it was Daniella. I motioned for Jimmy to stay quiet and then answered it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Where were you after school? You like ran from the classroom. We didn't have time to catch up to you. Oh. Who was that guy you left with? Hmm?"

I rolled my eyes. "I had to pee. The guy that I left with is just a friend. Chill out."

"Well we'll be over in a few. Bye!"

She hung up before I could tell her not to come. I turned to him and smiled.

"You might want to leave. There will be three girls here that would love to hit on you."
He knew what I meant by that. He promised to text me after he left and call later on.

A few minutes after he left the girls came. Time for the questions to begin.