Language of Love

Chapter 1

It was terribly early in the morning, so early that the dawn's light had just arrived and that most of the blinds were still closed and practically everybody was still fast asleep.

The flat was quiet and empty and Jack felt desolated. He lay curled up on the sofa and stared at the flashing images on the telly. He was bored, bored to death and due to the fact it was early only nonsensical shows, which were only the first ten minutes fun, were on, so that didn't provided any distraction too.

Jack didn't know what he should do, he didn't feel like watching a film, all the proper video games were already finished, going outside wasn't a plan either and Alex was also still sleeping. Jack wanted to wake him, but that would be cruel. What if... No, that wouldn't be fair, or... No. No, he would be horrendously cranky, especially without his coffee.

The ebony haired pushed himself off the sofa and strolled towards the kitchen, when suddenly a light bulb went off in his head: He could crawl in bed again and if Alex thén woke up, it wasn't on purpose, was it?

With this idea fresh in his mind, he went for a walk, almost skipped, to the bedroom. The door was ajar, just as Jack had left it.

In the room self he got exposed to the beautiful silhouette of his precious boyfriend, which made his heart jump a little: Alex lay on his side, with the duvet low on his hips, what caused that his chest and a part of his pants exposed layers. His right leg was raised high and he had his left hand folded in a loose fist, next to his cheek. His caramel hair, which looked like a bomb blast, gleamed in the sun, that peaked trough the blinds and his mouth was very subtle wide open, creating soft snoring noises. As elegant as ever.

On tiptoe Jack sneaked to the bed, he gently lifted up the tip of the familiar blue-green bedding so he could easily slip in.

With his eyes closed and his lips curled in a peaceful smile, Jack buried his nose in the crook of Alex's neck and inhaled deep. He smelled... warm and sweaty. Jack pursed his lips en pressed a sweet little kiss on the love bite he made yesterday when they were... well, you know what he means; Alex is so his.

A mix of a growl and a snore rose from the other boy's throat. Jack moved his head backwards and opened his eyes so he saw that Alex's were fluttering. The brunette flexed his body, stretched his legs and before Jack's brain could even comprehend it, there was an arm around his waist and were their legs intertwined. Mission accomplished!

''Goodmorning Sunshine, didn't wake you up, huh?'' Jack whispered with his face buried in Alex's chest, pressing there another kiss. He didn't received a clear answer, only some grunts and groans.

''Slept well?'' He asked, pulling back and watching closely on how he languidly opened his eyes, shutting them directly because of the sudden wash of light and opened them again not very much later.

"Yea-" Oh God, that hoarse morning voice. So sexy.

Alex gave him a morning kiss. A sweet, closed mouth one that heated up the flutters in his stomach and made him desire for more. Jack tilted his head somewhat and bit gently in Alex's lower lip. His mouth went slightly open and Jack felt the tip of his tongue slipping between his lips. Hmh, morning breath... Well, he could see past it.

They got caught up in a love game, in which they couldn't stay away from each other: Jack's hands slid in all directions, from Alex's neck to his lower back to his shoulders, to find them again later just under his bum, whilst he, with his long fingers, stroked the entire time from Jack's head to the middle of his back. Just as he liked it.

A genius idea on the subject 'I'm-bored-what-should-I-do', about something he had read a couple of days ago, popped up in Jack's head. Okay, it wasn't like he was bored now (far from even), but still it was something he wanted to do today.

Jack broke the kiss and wringed him out of the hug, what yielded a startled reaction.
''I'm going to learn you how to kiss!'' He exclaimed happily, not thinking about the way he brought it.

''Learn me how to kiss?'' Alex protested defensively, ''We've kissed so many times and now you're telling me that I suck at it?! Couldn't you... I mean, Didn't it-''

He let him shut up by a kiss.
''I'm not going to teach it you in that way, you moron, there are you the best in, it's more like the... the language of kissing. Even better, I'm going to teach you the language of love! I mean every action in a relationship has a meaning, but not everyone knows them. Get it?''

Alex shook blankly with his head, but gave Jack encouragement by squeezing gently in his hand. He rolled away from him and stood up. With one hand Jack simply shove the duvet aside and with the other he pulled his boyfriend up. Kneeling he took place in the middle of the bed, with Jack copying Alex, what, at the stage of flirting, meant something like 'Look, I try to be equal to you, I like you.'

Sure of his doings Jack pressed a kiss against his cheek. ''That means we're friends, but because we are more than friends, it means: ''I like you.'' then he took his face between my hands and pressed his lips against Alex's forehead. ''You're my everything'' Jack said in a low-pitched voice, ''and that's the truth.''

Alex turned slightly red and squeaked a small and almost inaudible thank you. That was why Jack directly kissed the top of his nose 'You're so cute!'' he grinned. ''And that's what you definitely are with those red cheeks.''

Alex shook his head and threw the covers over his head, trying to cover the new gained colour on his cheeks.
''Nahw, come back, Lexy, don't hide that pretty face'' Jack said with a teasing voice, pulling away the bedspread, so his brown hair peeked over the border, just as his equally brown eyes. ''I'm not done yet!''

Alex said something under his breath, something that was too soft to hear.
''What'ya saying?''

''You give me all those lovely compliments I don't deserve.''

''Not again, Alex, we've been over this so many times.'' Jack rolled with his eyes.''You deserve it, you deserve it so much! And even more than that, you deserve the world! No, the whole universe! And even that isn't enough compared to how... how... how...'' He shoved the bedding aside and placed himself on his knees. Quickly Jack leaned over and pressed a kiss against Alex's navel ''How perfect you are.''

Alex didn't agreed with Jack, not even in the slightest way, but Jack didn't care. Okay, he had maybe his flaws, but Jack loved him so much that he just didn't care about them. In his eyes, Alex was perfect.

Jack Iay himself beside Alex and cupped his face once again, catching his eye - staring deeply into them. ''I just plain love you.'' he whispered, then he wrapped an arm around Alex, so Jack could held him tight. ''Never leave me, ever'' and finally, with his spare hand he intertwined their fingers.

''Forever yours.''