Status: A work in progress


Chapter 2: One and a Half years later

I walk down an alleyway sticking to the shadows making sure I wasn’t seen. I hear some talking so I quickly peek around the corner only to see two Sharks talking about something. Just then one gets on his motorcycle and I quickly jump behind a dumpster. The Shark passes me and I wait hoping that the other one would go away within a few minutes the Shark drives away, I wait for a few seconds before getting up and walking to the front of the building. I head to the door and quickly pick the lock before walking in and shutting the door behind me. I head to the kitchen and rummage through the pantry not even trying the fridge since the power had been cut for over a year. I manage to find a few cans of food and then I head to the bedrooms but find nothing useful.

I head to the bathroom and go through the medicine cabinet but only find a bottle of aspirin. I open the cupboard under the sink, letting out a cry of victory before pulling out a first aid kit. I open the kit and find everything in a normal First Aid kit, save for a few band-aids. None of us were sick or hurt but sometimes these runs got a little hairy and with the sharks taking over the hospitals and ransacking the stores it was a suicide mission to try and get any supplies from those places. I grab the kit and put it in my bag. I close my bag before throwing the strap over my head. I walk to the window and look out to see a few Sharks walking to the door.

“Shit.”I spat before going to the opposite side of the building and open a window. I manage to slide out just as the sharks come in. I climb down the fire escape and as I jump down a Shark turns and sees me.

“Hey you stop.” The Shark yells and I start running, I hear him yelling for me to stop but I just keep running. I hear a few gunshots and it only makes me run faster. I see a fence in front of me and I just jump and grab on before climbing up and jumping over to the other side. Once I get over it I keep running I instantly take another alley and by sheer luck I find a gap and slide in. I wait there hoping that the Shark hadn’t followed me. I did not need that, I look at the time and saw that I only have about an hour to get back home or I would be spending the night out here. I wait about five more minutes before creeping up to the corner and quickly look around to see that the coast was clear. I quietly head out of the crack and take off down the alley. I carefully check every corner before walking down that way.

I finally get to the familiar street and I head to my uncles house, we only manage to still live there because we were careful, we only leave to ransack places and by we, I mean my cousins Spencer, Gabe, Mia our friend and myself. The adults would do it but we are faster and smaller well Mia and I are. When I get there I climb through the opened window in the back of the house. I walk into the backroom to find my dad and my Uncle Ben talking just as Seth walks in.

“Where have you been?”Seth asks causing my dad and Uncle Ben to turn around.

“Almost got caught had to shake them off.”I say holding out my bag and Seth frowns but takes it and takes out the contents.

“Who else is out there?”I ask.

“Mia and Gabriel but they should be back soon.”Dad says and just then Mia and Gabriel walk in.

“Sorry we took so long.”Mia said and they handed their packs to Seth who just nodded and we headed up the stairs and headed to our room where I see Spencer laying on his camping pad.

“Yo Bro.”Gabriel said sitting on Spencer’s stomach and Spencer just tried to push him off but no avail since Gabriel was bigger than him.

“Dude get off.”Spencer said and finally Gabriel got off.

“So man what did you find.”I ask Spencer.

“I found a desert eagle pistol and that’s about it, you.”

“Some food and a first aid kit.”I say

“Did you hear that little bro?”Spencer said to Gabriel

“What.”Gabriel says looking up from his conversation with Mia.

“Andy here found a first Aid kit for your little boo-boo’s.”Spencer teased and Gabriel just shot him a dirty look.

“Fuck off.”Gabriel shot back

“Harsh Language little bro.”

“I’m only younger by two minutes asshole.”

“Still younger.”Spencer said and I just laughed before we decided to settle down and I eventually drift off to sleep.

“Guy’s wake up shark attack.”My dad says and we instantly get up and roll our mattress’s up with everything in it. We head down to the Panic room that Uncle Ben built. It was a bit bigger than the one at my house which was prefect because we needed to make this house look as deserted as possible. We get into the panic room and Uncle Ben shuts the door just as Mia came in. We get bathed in darkness and I just roll out my mattress and lie down listening to the sharks raid the house but truth is they won’t find anything, we put all of our things down here in case something like this happened. I listen to the sharks yelling at each other angry that they didn’t find anything. A few minutes later the sharks leave and I fall into a restless sleep.
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Here is the next chapter sorry if it's short, it's going to take a few chapters for the events to pick up.